I am not going to let this post go through my usual course. No simmering, no percolating just as I thought it.
One hundred and fifty years ago this country was midway through the last war fought on our own soil. Among the names given to this fight the one I will use is the war between the states. Because the true reason the war was fought was that agreement could not be reached on what were Federal (nationwide) responsibilities and what rights the various, individual states possessed. One side won and in doing so got to write the history. The problem is that here we are in the present and many of the same questions remain unresolved. We lost more of our young in that war than any since. There would seem to an obvious corollary, killing isn't a solution.
One of those unresolved problems was open view as the entire world watched our nation's capital turn into a media event. The entire day was spent watching various talking heads making surmises while attempting to cover themselves at the same time. According to the Police Captain the shooter was cornered and killed within minutes, but the circus atmosphere snow-balled.
I really do not care about statistics when these tragedies occur. The only one that matters is 13 more people are dead. Why? Second amendment rights. NRA. Congressional Cowardice, I truly wish I knew how to underline that last one. We elect these clowns, they go megalomaniac and ignore the very folks that gave them their power. This morning I read two headlines, 'I've done all I can Unilaterally, now it's up to the congress" and "I don't expect any change, we don't have the votes!"
Our government is set up to deal with change. It is built into our structure of law. The word is "amendment". They were actually being worked on before the Constitution was even ratified. Again, the word is amendment. Bill of Rights should jog some memories. Those are the amendments being considered prior to ratification.
I have little belief that our elected "representatives" will ever have the ability, stamina, courage, guts to collectively address this issue. Or that anyone will ever see this post, agree with it or act on it. But, once again, I will deny the quote "Guns don't kill"...the proof is in the morgues of our nation. Still don't agree? You believe there is some overriding concern? You talk to the families of the dead.
The writers of our laws, our forefathers were simply that, nothing more. If they could have seen this, or any of the previous "events" or foretold of them do you truly believe our coda of law would be as it exists today?

This is my on line "Collector's Cabinet". It is non-profit and haphazard at best. I leave it to you to sort through and make sense of.The views are mine. The collection reflects some of my interests. But the material must be credited to the vast internet. Otherwise, I never would have been able to amass such a treasure trove. The purpose of this exercise is entertainment, naturally mine, but even more so yours. So, please let me know if anything strikes a chord with you.
Well said old friend.