Since a belief is not a fact and morality is relative...does that make "moral beliefs" an oxymoron?
If stubbornness isn't viewed in a positive way, why is tenacity?
If the parents of all of those needing a gun for protection had used some form of protection themselves, we wouldn't need so many guns!
One man's immigrants are another's exiles. It's all in the eye of the beholder!
When Caesar ruled, slavery was politically correct. Events, time and perception can change the definition.
The Pilgrims invented the "save a tree" concept...NO papers!
Did either of these associations create the term "familiarity breeds contempt"; the Jews and the Arabs....the Irish and the English? Same tree, just sayin'.

This is my on line "Collector's Cabinet". It is non-profit and haphazard at best. I leave it to you to sort through and make sense of.The views are mine. The collection reflects some of my interests. But the material must be credited to the vast internet. Otherwise, I never would have been able to amass such a treasure trove. The purpose of this exercise is entertainment, naturally mine, but even more so yours. So, please let me know if anything strikes a chord with you.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
We all do these things
In this post the word "man" will indicate all mankind , while the word "all" will suffice for the vast majority.
All mankind shares a myriad of foibles, functions and general foolishness. We all "burn air" (breath), we all consume (eat, drink, etc) and we all produce copious by-products (think about it). However the only one we actually talk about, arguably the most dangerous, is the sex drive. All of them used in marketing naturally.
There are scores of graphs and charts to prove that the more we procreate the more we produce and consume. Hell, even congress can decipher that one. Yet, for some reason only the poor seem to have large families. How can that be? Easy, congress hasn't put a tax on it yet. And, if you can't afford a brand new game-boy what are a boy and girl to do?
Due to an exponential growth of by-products due to an exploding population growth, our nation, no, our world is in danger of "going down the crapper"...think about that one for a bit.
It's obvious that man is privileged when it comes to sex. After all, unlike other creatures, we can and do avail ourselves at all times. Let's take the time to consider the situation we are so buy creating. Or in the words of the great Judy Tenuta, "practice, practice, practice!" Perhaps this is something we should not always take so seriously...that's a punch line from an old joke. I don't advocate celibacy, abstinence or any other unworkable idiotic pablum-like solutions. But, a little bit of "common sense" and a condom isn't world shaking...then it again, it would be a good change!
All mankind shares a myriad of foibles, functions and general foolishness. We all "burn air" (breath), we all consume (eat, drink, etc) and we all produce copious by-products (think about it). However the only one we actually talk about, arguably the most dangerous, is the sex drive. All of them used in marketing naturally.
There are scores of graphs and charts to prove that the more we procreate the more we produce and consume. Hell, even congress can decipher that one. Yet, for some reason only the poor seem to have large families. How can that be? Easy, congress hasn't put a tax on it yet. And, if you can't afford a brand new game-boy what are a boy and girl to do?
Due to an exponential growth of by-products due to an exploding population growth, our nation, no, our world is in danger of "going down the crapper"...think about that one for a bit.
It's obvious that man is privileged when it comes to sex. After all, unlike other creatures, we can and do avail ourselves at all times. Let's take the time to consider the situation we are so buy creating. Or in the words of the great Judy Tenuta, "practice, practice, practice!" Perhaps this is something we should not always take so seriously...that's a punch line from an old joke. I don't advocate celibacy, abstinence or any other unworkable idiotic pablum-like solutions. But, a little bit of "common sense" and a condom isn't world shaking...then it again, it would be a good change!
What's next?
We live in a world overrun with passwords, ID's, user names all purporting to "protect" our identities. All safe, all secure, all requiring frequent change. Omnipotent!
But, don't write them anywhere! They mustn't be easily discovered or figured out. So you have to remember them. Now, I don't know about you, but my memory is more die,die,die than didactic.
And now to this we add the "eye test on acid" block. A group of numerals and letters blended fuzzily together for us to copy exactly if we ever want to see the item we just spent half an hour searching for.
All of these security devices have one thing in common. Any half-baked hacker can get past them on their way to personal nirvana!
Of course you could take cash and actually go to the store...wouldn't that confuse them all? You could call it a modern "exercise" program. Rationalization rules!
But, don't write them anywhere! They mustn't be easily discovered or figured out. So you have to remember them. Now, I don't know about you, but my memory is more die,die,die than didactic.
And now to this we add the "eye test on acid" block. A group of numerals and letters blended fuzzily together for us to copy exactly if we ever want to see the item we just spent half an hour searching for.
All of these security devices have one thing in common. Any half-baked hacker can get past them on their way to personal nirvana!
Of course you could take cash and actually go to the store...wouldn't that confuse them all? You could call it a modern "exercise" program. Rationalization rules!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The first person to make an axe probably heard this, "I told you it would work!" And, that makes the first tool- language. Without language, the ability to convey ideas between us we would still be painting on cave walls with chalk.
If you are 100% in agreement with someone then 100% boredom should follow, after all what do you have to talk about?
How very ironic that the person you know, the one most likely to have been in the most churches is me?
As a teenager, if I wanted to go somewhere, I walked, took a bus or rode my bike. I was actually married before I owned a car. Now? Some of those things are a bit different. Not always better, but different.
How does one define normal? Who makes that decision? Can normal change? What are the parameters of normal? Why do we care? When should normal affect us? Where will normalcy lead us? An Orwellian Utopia?
From a new ad...we are all born unique. Then why do we spend so much of our lives trying to assimilate? Are we leading and living our own lives or just following the lemming in front?
Yesterday I put off some chores because it was raining. It is worse today, if I put the same chores off again am I a procrastinator?
Or should I wait until tomorrow?
A rose is a rose is a rose...sometimes. In British "English" a bonnet is something other than the American bonnet. Same with pecker and many more. Poor computer! Can't do a decent translation in the same language! Who knew?
Fun and foibles. Don't know what I'll use that for, but it's a wonderful working title.
How does one "kill time"? What is the weapon of choice? Is it a "capital" crime? Hope they don't catch me...think I just committed a crime.
If you are 100% in agreement with someone then 100% boredom should follow, after all what do you have to talk about?
How very ironic that the person you know, the one most likely to have been in the most churches is me?
As a teenager, if I wanted to go somewhere, I walked, took a bus or rode my bike. I was actually married before I owned a car. Now? Some of those things are a bit different. Not always better, but different.
How does one define normal? Who makes that decision? Can normal change? What are the parameters of normal? Why do we care? When should normal affect us? Where will normalcy lead us? An Orwellian Utopia?
From a new ad...we are all born unique. Then why do we spend so much of our lives trying to assimilate? Are we leading and living our own lives or just following the lemming in front?
Yesterday I put off some chores because it was raining. It is worse today, if I put the same chores off again am I a procrastinator?
Or should I wait until tomorrow?
A rose is a rose is a rose...sometimes. In British "English" a bonnet is something other than the American bonnet. Same with pecker and many more. Poor computer! Can't do a decent translation in the same language! Who knew?
Fun and foibles. Don't know what I'll use that for, but it's a wonderful working title.
How does one "kill time"? What is the weapon of choice? Is it a "capital" crime? Hope they don't catch me...think I just committed a crime.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
In Rome "modern" means something within the past three centuries and buildings over 500 years old are not rarities. In Florence there is an apartment building that has been in continual use as a domicile for 2000 years. These are not samples of recycling, they are the norm.
Perhaps some of our cultural differences are based on the fact that at the time our "world" was being discovered theirs existed and had for hundreds, thousands of years. Everything was there. Built to last, in stone, brick and cement. They just repurposed.
In the "new world" the building material of choice was and is wood. Something that is subject to every type of decay and rot conceivable. We tear down. We start over. Nothing is built to last. In Europe, Africa, Asia and South America buildings from thousands of years ago still exist. We look on them in awe...but, never attempt to build anything as lasting. No pyramids here, or A Great Wall or a Colosseo! Somewhere the Incas, Aztecs and Anisazi laughing at us. Wondering who the ignorant savage really is?
We belong to an IKEA mind-set, knocked down. Everything can be easily carted and assembled, disassembled, reassembled but it is only for short term consideration. Even the wood we now build with is a composition, MDF, whatever that means. Sawdust and glue pressed into a flat board. Cheap and easy. How easy? Well if you just add some water to that product you are back at square one, Sawdust. Only now it's a damp, wet mass not a building. Soon we'll be back to Adobe. But there will be some marketing ploy added to make it better than the original mud, straw and dung mix. Perhaps, Bulls--t! A new name, an acronym perhaps, OPBM...organically produced building material. Think I'll go start checking trademarks.
Perhaps some of our cultural differences are based on the fact that at the time our "world" was being discovered theirs existed and had for hundreds, thousands of years. Everything was there. Built to last, in stone, brick and cement. They just repurposed.
In the "new world" the building material of choice was and is wood. Something that is subject to every type of decay and rot conceivable. We tear down. We start over. Nothing is built to last. In Europe, Africa, Asia and South America buildings from thousands of years ago still exist. We look on them in awe...but, never attempt to build anything as lasting. No pyramids here, or A Great Wall or a Colosseo! Somewhere the Incas, Aztecs and Anisazi laughing at us. Wondering who the ignorant savage really is?
We belong to an IKEA mind-set, knocked down. Everything can be easily carted and assembled, disassembled, reassembled but it is only for short term consideration. Even the wood we now build with is a composition, MDF, whatever that means. Sawdust and glue pressed into a flat board. Cheap and easy. How easy? Well if you just add some water to that product you are back at square one, Sawdust. Only now it's a damp, wet mass not a building. Soon we'll be back to Adobe. But there will be some marketing ploy added to make it better than the original mud, straw and dung mix. Perhaps, Bulls--t! A new name, an acronym perhaps, OPBM...organically produced building material. Think I'll go start checking trademarks.
Oxymoron? "Favorite" pet peeve! Maybe you can have a most despised pet peeve, but favorite? Kind of like having a favorite toothache!
Without Webster's guidance on this one, here is my thought on a definition. A pet peeve is some repetitious action, quirk or mannerism that irritates you without you having a choice. Like "internal plumbing" ads right at meal time...biggest audience, don't you know! Snoring, not your own, also qualifies.
Very high on my list is what I refer to as "speed-speaking". Where some totally self-absorbed unconsciously blathers on at a pace that the human mind isn't designed to comprehend. Why? Are you trying to confuse me? I don't need the help, thanks. Afraid if you stop no one will ever listen to you again? I'm not lose.
It's a learned trait. Unlearn it! It's just rude. Language is meant to be uttered and understood, not amassed and dropped on you like a blivet! Ten pounds of drivel played at 78rpm!
And, now I have had the pleasure of discovering that they are hiring bureaucrats with this affliction, oh Joy!
Without Webster's guidance on this one, here is my thought on a definition. A pet peeve is some repetitious action, quirk or mannerism that irritates you without you having a choice. Like "internal plumbing" ads right at meal time...biggest audience, don't you know! Snoring, not your own, also qualifies.
Very high on my list is what I refer to as "speed-speaking". Where some totally self-absorbed unconsciously blathers on at a pace that the human mind isn't designed to comprehend. Why? Are you trying to confuse me? I don't need the help, thanks. Afraid if you stop no one will ever listen to you again? I'm not lose.
It's a learned trait. Unlearn it! It's just rude. Language is meant to be uttered and understood, not amassed and dropped on you like a blivet! Ten pounds of drivel played at 78rpm!
And, now I have had the pleasure of discovering that they are hiring bureaucrats with this affliction, oh Joy!
Before Jimi
Do you remember who played at your first rock concert? Where it was? Why you were there?
In the spring of 1963 my train pulled into Norfolk, Virginia. That gives the time place and why. Anything you could do to get off the base was better than listening to real yardbirds with drills and the absolute stench of fire retardant blowing through the non working air conditioning.
I went to see an Alan Freed type concert where the "Star" goes on stage, plays the hit, the flip side and whatever other song they might know and leaves for the next performer. I remember only one performer. Her story was longer than her career. With only one big hit it isn't that hard to understand. The girl was discovered by a much more well known performer, Carole King. Little Eva, stage name, was heard singing as she mopped the floor for Carole King and now she was on stage. Whatever happened to her? She was truly a dynamic little force on the stage, maybe 5' tall, holding an upside down guitar and strumming away, long before Hendrix entered the scene. "Everybody knows the locomotion..."and covered it as well!
It was many years, two daughters and a whole new life before my next concert and everything had changed. It wasn't a high school auditorium anymore. The girl I was with spent the entire concert standing on the back of the chair she was supposed to be sitting in. Wouldn't have seen a thing if she had obeyed that one. The Centrum in Worcester, new, clean, loud and it was New Years Eve. Some one opened, then ended. A wait and all hell broke loose as the"House Party" started. Three hours of Peter Wolf, Magic Dick and J. Geils and a presentation of the city keys later we drove the hour plus back home. Three days later I could hear again!
The old Boston Garden and several Cambridge venues pretty much ended my concert days. There are only so many performers out there now that I would pay to see/hear. And, almost all of them play the guitar. Clapton, Beck, Page, Keith and Mick with any blues player of note, Joe Bonamassa for one might make the list. But, big costs so damned much! Little Eva was under $10, Geils around $25 on New Years, wonder what Keith and Mick get now...not $10.00!
Ah, the good old days!
In the spring of 1963 my train pulled into Norfolk, Virginia. That gives the time place and why. Anything you could do to get off the base was better than listening to real yardbirds with drills and the absolute stench of fire retardant blowing through the non working air conditioning.
I went to see an Alan Freed type concert where the "Star" goes on stage, plays the hit, the flip side and whatever other song they might know and leaves for the next performer. I remember only one performer. Her story was longer than her career. With only one big hit it isn't that hard to understand. The girl was discovered by a much more well known performer, Carole King. Little Eva, stage name, was heard singing as she mopped the floor for Carole King and now she was on stage. Whatever happened to her? She was truly a dynamic little force on the stage, maybe 5' tall, holding an upside down guitar and strumming away, long before Hendrix entered the scene. "Everybody knows the locomotion..."and covered it as well!
It was many years, two daughters and a whole new life before my next concert and everything had changed. It wasn't a high school auditorium anymore. The girl I was with spent the entire concert standing on the back of the chair she was supposed to be sitting in. Wouldn't have seen a thing if she had obeyed that one. The Centrum in Worcester, new, clean, loud and it was New Years Eve. Some one opened, then ended. A wait and all hell broke loose as the"House Party" started. Three hours of Peter Wolf, Magic Dick and J. Geils and a presentation of the city keys later we drove the hour plus back home. Three days later I could hear again!
The old Boston Garden and several Cambridge venues pretty much ended my concert days. There are only so many performers out there now that I would pay to see/hear. And, almost all of them play the guitar. Clapton, Beck, Page, Keith and Mick with any blues player of note, Joe Bonamassa for one might make the list. But, big costs so damned much! Little Eva was under $10, Geils around $25 on New Years, wonder what Keith and Mick get now...not $10.00!
Ah, the good old days!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Is this a real life?
Questions abound. They multiply daily, some get answered while others get pushed aside only to reappear in my next list. I had better not be "too old to learn new tricks"...there are way too many details to cover in order to implement plan B.
In a previous post I mentioned that the "means" had been purchased. Now with the "RV" waiting, the daily mundane things have to i be addressed. I have a "box full of stuff" to get rid of. Decades of accumulated trinkets will not fit into the RV, regardless of its' came fully loaded to begin with. And, that is only one aspect. The devil is in the details. So many details, so many devils.
So while the minutiae is dealt with I try to organize my escape, to plan "shake down" cruises, to plot my first trek and hope that nothing major escapes my skittering brain.
Escape? Yes. For many Florida is a dream. Sunshine, warmth, beaches, fishing, Disney...Flipper. For me it was doomed-never a chance. Grace and i were here through happenstance, our combined dream crushed by bureaucrats. Never to happen. There was an abode in Florida where we could dwell. That's exactly what we did, nothing changed. Now I will escape.
What do I want? Need? To participate! To wander! To see! To experience excitement again. Is it an adventure? Am I being foolish? do I care? It is another path to go down with so many places to revisit and so many more to see for the first time. New people and new experiences, so, yes it must be my new adventure.
Ironically, I'll leave the heat and humidity of Florida to visit Texas! Sure it makes sense because my daughter, Karen and my grandson Bryan are there. We'll finish planning the vacation we'll be taking and I'll see a bit more of the state.
Then on to another chilly city, LA. One of my brothers...Kelly and his family. See some friends out there, visit and more site-seeing. Pick up Karen and Bryan at LAX and off to a, by then, well planned northern vacation ending back in LA.
And then the first "grand trek". This will be pretty much a free form trip. Time, distance, season and location all to be interplayed into the itinerary. There are some parameters, but that can be done in a later post.
For me the distance between the points will be measured in time not inches. The longest time will be between the thinking and the doing! The time rolling down the road...mere weights falling from my shoulders.
Just another "trip of my life"...or just a fantasy?
In a previous post I mentioned that the "means" had been purchased. Now with the "RV" waiting, the daily mundane things have to i be addressed. I have a "box full of stuff" to get rid of. Decades of accumulated trinkets will not fit into the RV, regardless of its' came fully loaded to begin with. And, that is only one aspect. The devil is in the details. So many details, so many devils.
So while the minutiae is dealt with I try to organize my escape, to plan "shake down" cruises, to plot my first trek and hope that nothing major escapes my skittering brain.
Escape? Yes. For many Florida is a dream. Sunshine, warmth, beaches, fishing, Disney...Flipper. For me it was doomed-never a chance. Grace and i were here through happenstance, our combined dream crushed by bureaucrats. Never to happen. There was an abode in Florida where we could dwell. That's exactly what we did, nothing changed. Now I will escape.
What do I want? Need? To participate! To wander! To see! To experience excitement again. Is it an adventure? Am I being foolish? do I care? It is another path to go down with so many places to revisit and so many more to see for the first time. New people and new experiences, so, yes it must be my new adventure.
Ironically, I'll leave the heat and humidity of Florida to visit Texas! Sure it makes sense because my daughter, Karen and my grandson Bryan are there. We'll finish planning the vacation we'll be taking and I'll see a bit more of the state.
Then on to another chilly city, LA. One of my brothers...Kelly and his family. See some friends out there, visit and more site-seeing. Pick up Karen and Bryan at LAX and off to a, by then, well planned northern vacation ending back in LA.
And then the first "grand trek". This will be pretty much a free form trip. Time, distance, season and location all to be interplayed into the itinerary. There are some parameters, but that can be done in a later post.
For me the distance between the points will be measured in time not inches. The longest time will be between the thinking and the doing! The time rolling down the road...mere weights falling from my shoulders.
Just another "trip of my life"...or just a fantasy?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Ambrose and George
Definition: Naif; someone that lives in a would of, could of should of, it's not fair kind of world.
Church; a box full of naif.
I have tried this and know others that do as well. Enter the building early in the morning and yell/scream out, "GOOD MORNING!"
As a motivational tool it doesn't work. A muttered mornin' says the same thing-utter disbelief!
As a woman the hippocratic oath gives you rights as a patient that your government won't as a human...something to ponder on the way to the polls!
My "bucket list" has a hole in it and my "to do" list is infinite...time to hit the re-set button!
Church; a box full of naif.
I have tried this and know others that do as well. Enter the building early in the morning and yell/scream out, "GOOD MORNING!"
As a motivational tool it doesn't work. A muttered mornin' says the same thing-utter disbelief!
As a woman the hippocratic oath gives you rights as a patient that your government won't as a human...something to ponder on the way to the polls!
My "bucket list" has a hole in it and my "to do" list is infinite...time to hit the re-set button!
There is a difference
Self-esteem and self-image are not the same thing. Your image is what you are projecting to others...what you want them to think, while self esteem is how you feel about yourself. Two points of reference.
How you convey these things can be body-language or more likely verbal. If you are what you are also judged by what and how you say it. For instance, I might think I am well read. Your perception could be that I am sententious, pompous or priggish. Two views and I chose the words...carefully.
An elementary example; some extremely good words are ignored when a curse word will take its place. If I use these terms in a description, I am not automatically adorned with the terms; oafish, boorish, churlish, loutish. Conversely, if you call someone "a f---n' a-----hole" you have told everyone exactly how you perceive yourself!
Just Sayin"!
I am not going to let this post go through my usual course. No simmering, no percolating just as I thought it.
One hundred and fifty years ago this country was midway through the last war fought on our own soil. Among the names given to this fight the one I will use is the war between the states. Because the true reason the war was fought was that agreement could not be reached on what were Federal (nationwide) responsibilities and what rights the various, individual states possessed. One side won and in doing so got to write the history. The problem is that here we are in the present and many of the same questions remain unresolved. We lost more of our young in that war than any since. There would seem to an obvious corollary, killing isn't a solution.
One of those unresolved problems was open view as the entire world watched our nation's capital turn into a media event. The entire day was spent watching various talking heads making surmises while attempting to cover themselves at the same time. According to the Police Captain the shooter was cornered and killed within minutes, but the circus atmosphere snow-balled.
I really do not care about statistics when these tragedies occur. The only one that matters is 13 more people are dead. Why? Second amendment rights. NRA. Congressional Cowardice, I truly wish I knew how to underline that last one. We elect these clowns, they go megalomaniac and ignore the very folks that gave them their power. This morning I read two headlines, 'I've done all I can Unilaterally, now it's up to the congress" and "I don't expect any change, we don't have the votes!"
Our government is set up to deal with change. It is built into our structure of law. The word is "amendment". They were actually being worked on before the Constitution was even ratified. Again, the word is amendment. Bill of Rights should jog some memories. Those are the amendments being considered prior to ratification.
I have little belief that our elected "representatives" will ever have the ability, stamina, courage, guts to collectively address this issue. Or that anyone will ever see this post, agree with it or act on it. But, once again, I will deny the quote "Guns don't kill"...the proof is in the morgues of our nation. Still don't agree? You believe there is some overriding concern? You talk to the families of the dead.
The writers of our laws, our forefathers were simply that, nothing more. If they could have seen this, or any of the previous "events" or foretold of them do you truly believe our coda of law would be as it exists today?
One hundred and fifty years ago this country was midway through the last war fought on our own soil. Among the names given to this fight the one I will use is the war between the states. Because the true reason the war was fought was that agreement could not be reached on what were Federal (nationwide) responsibilities and what rights the various, individual states possessed. One side won and in doing so got to write the history. The problem is that here we are in the present and many of the same questions remain unresolved. We lost more of our young in that war than any since. There would seem to an obvious corollary, killing isn't a solution.
One of those unresolved problems was open view as the entire world watched our nation's capital turn into a media event. The entire day was spent watching various talking heads making surmises while attempting to cover themselves at the same time. According to the Police Captain the shooter was cornered and killed within minutes, but the circus atmosphere snow-balled.
I really do not care about statistics when these tragedies occur. The only one that matters is 13 more people are dead. Why? Second amendment rights. NRA. Congressional Cowardice, I truly wish I knew how to underline that last one. We elect these clowns, they go megalomaniac and ignore the very folks that gave them their power. This morning I read two headlines, 'I've done all I can Unilaterally, now it's up to the congress" and "I don't expect any change, we don't have the votes!"
Our government is set up to deal with change. It is built into our structure of law. The word is "amendment". They were actually being worked on before the Constitution was even ratified. Again, the word is amendment. Bill of Rights should jog some memories. Those are the amendments being considered prior to ratification.
I have little belief that our elected "representatives" will ever have the ability, stamina, courage, guts to collectively address this issue. Or that anyone will ever see this post, agree with it or act on it. But, once again, I will deny the quote "Guns don't kill"...the proof is in the morgues of our nation. Still don't agree? You believe there is some overriding concern? You talk to the families of the dead.
The writers of our laws, our forefathers were simply that, nothing more. If they could have seen this, or any of the previous "events" or foretold of them do you truly believe our coda of law would be as it exists today?
Thursday, September 12, 2013
A Don Quixote Moment
I have never heard this said; "Let's go put to eat and maybe there will screaming children running around, I think that's so cute!"
Last weekend at breakfast a woman came in and sat at the booth in front of me. She had two little girls with her, "nice" and "not so". "Not so" proceeded to run the gamut of obnoxious, from whines to whimpers and a few more. "Nice" sat there and watched. Mom, no make that oblivious Mom, read. I finished as quickly as possible and went to the supermarket. Surprise the oblivious Mom has a twin. This child a screamer.
Kids learn by pushing the envelope. Your parental duty is to place the parameters in the right place. Those boundaries you set should be concise and appropriate to the situation. Above all you have to behave responsibly your self. Someone is going to teach your child how to act. A few well placed words or even (gasp) a spanking can save little darlin' from a fist or two later. It is your job, duty and obligation. We had zero responsibility for the little screamers creation.
Just sayin'!
Later on I saw an ad on TV for a show about man caves. In this clip they showed a "time-out" bench with handcuffs! It's a start. Maybe we can an amendment added to the constitution...better, perhaps I can get the franchise rights! Place it in the middle of the parking lot like a cart corral. Secluded!
I do not like having meal messed with.
From the windmills of my mind.
Last weekend at breakfast a woman came in and sat at the booth in front of me. She had two little girls with her, "nice" and "not so". "Not so" proceeded to run the gamut of obnoxious, from whines to whimpers and a few more. "Nice" sat there and watched. Mom, no make that oblivious Mom, read. I finished as quickly as possible and went to the supermarket. Surprise the oblivious Mom has a twin. This child a screamer.
Kids learn by pushing the envelope. Your parental duty is to place the parameters in the right place. Those boundaries you set should be concise and appropriate to the situation. Above all you have to behave responsibly your self. Someone is going to teach your child how to act. A few well placed words or even (gasp) a spanking can save little darlin' from a fist or two later. It is your job, duty and obligation. We had zero responsibility for the little screamers creation.
Just sayin'!
Later on I saw an ad on TV for a show about man caves. In this clip they showed a "time-out" bench with handcuffs! It's a start. Maybe we can an amendment added to the constitution...better, perhaps I can get the franchise rights! Place it in the middle of the parking lot like a cart corral. Secluded!
I do not like having meal messed with.
From the windmills of my mind.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Sometimes I start writing a post and it just takes off on its own. Most of these stories turn into long rambling rants. And, they sit unposted because of that. After much thought, editing they may be rewritten and off to post.
There is always a reason I wrote them and even more why they sit. They are mostly "seethe and simmer" writing, something that has been festering for some time. An idea that has been bubbling away and the bubble has burst. Negative, to the degree that I wouldn't read it...even though I wrote it! So they sit until my thoughts realign in a more positive bent.
Sadly, these are the easiest ones to write. Start with a few written ideas and then its as if a dam had burst and a torrent of poisoned ink released. Regardless of the right or the wrong of my concept they can not be posted.
Many get condensed into a one-line form with a hopeful twist of sardonic humor, since humor bests vitriol every time. This is my example for today, it addresses both literacy and jingoism with an attempt at irony.
"Welcome to America...", it's part of a bumper sticker indicating that the reader should be capable of speaking English. Frequently displayed by those that do not understand what I just wrote...In English!
There is always a reason I wrote them and even more why they sit. They are mostly "seethe and simmer" writing, something that has been festering for some time. An idea that has been bubbling away and the bubble has burst. Negative, to the degree that I wouldn't read it...even though I wrote it! So they sit until my thoughts realign in a more positive bent.
Sadly, these are the easiest ones to write. Start with a few written ideas and then its as if a dam had burst and a torrent of poisoned ink released. Regardless of the right or the wrong of my concept they can not be posted.
Many get condensed into a one-line form with a hopeful twist of sardonic humor, since humor bests vitriol every time. This is my example for today, it addresses both literacy and jingoism with an attempt at irony.
"Welcome to America...", it's part of a bumper sticker indicating that the reader should be capable of speaking English. Frequently displayed by those that do not understand what I just wrote...In English!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Shed a little light
This is what I saw every time I came or went from my apartment...first. Between Cappellari e Pelligrino, just not so neat and clean.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Raised or sugar coated?
The people of Florida elected a donut maker as their governor. No joke. That was his real life experience. And, just like his donuts his economic program has a hole or two.
When your election platform speaks to a well educated, skilled workforce able to entice much needed business to the state and you immediately slice education by 1.5 billion dollars, what question comes to mind? Got it. We must be bringing more highly educated exiles into the workforce. Yes folks, that word is exiles...most assuredly not immigrants, we can't have any of those!
Next you, in a year of smaller revenue you replace 1 billion of the money you already stole from education and call yourself progressive. Your logic and your donuts have commonality! Perhaps you just don't think an educated electorate will keep you in office.
Your policies need more than sugar. A new cook and a new recipe is a start.
When your election platform speaks to a well educated, skilled workforce able to entice much needed business to the state and you immediately slice education by 1.5 billion dollars, what question comes to mind? Got it. We must be bringing more highly educated exiles into the workforce. Yes folks, that word is exiles...most assuredly not immigrants, we can't have any of those!
Next you, in a year of smaller revenue you replace 1 billion of the money you already stole from education and call yourself progressive. Your logic and your donuts have commonality! Perhaps you just don't think an educated electorate will keep you in office.
Your policies need more than sugar. A new cook and a new recipe is a start.
Did Miley Cyrus redefine "Kiddie Porn"?
The immutable mind refutes conversation...No exchange of idea possible!
Why do republicans cut education programs? To level the playing field!
One whines the other doesn't. Blues rule.
No matter how many times you say it, nothing is ever accomplished by uttering this phrase, "but, this is Florida". It's broke, fix it!
The Great Wall and the Colloseo are two of mankind's great accomplishments, but, without lifting a shovel, the Colorado River created The Grand Canyon...Mother Nature always wins.
How frequently is the problem the nut that's loose behind the wheel?
When did education become an entitlement program?
What is an alternate spelling for sinecure? P-o-l-i-t-i-c-i-a-n!
Much of the sci-fi I read in the '50's has come true. To bad Asimov didn't write about economics!
Punch and Judy gave way to Howdy Doody and then Gumby followed by video games. Imagination supplanted by virtual reality. Is there a punch line? I can't imagine.
Sometimes it's the dummy pulling the strings!
In the infancy of cinema there was the silver screen and there was a group of goddesses. Here are some of them, with a ringer or two.
Black and white all over.
Black and white all over.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
People skills
Why is it called "small talk"? When two people get together, sit and converse, what is small about that? If you care about people and have enough care to be there with them, just how else are you going to learn more about them? You must want to; after all, you are there!
Yes, sometimes you can read a book and learn from it, but what happens if the questions you would have asked, weren't? Or worse, were edited out. A good example of this would be,"what did the author mean when he said_____"? Since no one asked the author that question while he was alive, all answers are conjecture. Subject to informed opinion.
Is that what you want from the person sitting across from you...Pablum? Not if you have any real interest in them. My preferred term might be "info-sharing", because it addresses what you are really trying to do. I like to read, but I prefer my people up close and personal. Not read, but understood. Works for me. And, if you manage to be in a really nice restaurant, icing on the cake...or Strawberries (all yours)!
Yes, sometimes you can read a book and learn from it, but what happens if the questions you would have asked, weren't? Or worse, were edited out. A good example of this would be,"what did the author mean when he said_____"? Since no one asked the author that question while he was alive, all answers are conjecture. Subject to informed opinion.
Is that what you want from the person sitting across from you...Pablum? Not if you have any real interest in them. My preferred term might be "info-sharing", because it addresses what you are really trying to do. I like to read, but I prefer my people up close and personal. Not read, but understood. Works for me. And, if you manage to be in a really nice restaurant, icing on the cake...or Strawberries (all yours)!
...success,success, success, does it matter?
The word "gain" is not in my definition of success, satisfaction is. To reach a goal, to complete a task to one's own criteria. Success.
If I desired wealth, fame or power, then I am a failure. But I am not alone in this totally non-exclusive club. The majority of us are co-members!
So if not the attributes above, what am I looking for? And, what affect does that have on my status?
Respect? Admiration? While that seems somewhat overwrought, do you know anyone not seeking those same things? I like people, meeting and learning about them. So, if I like them isn't natural to want their respect? Their admiration? The only obligation owed is one that is self-imposed. Doing for and helping others makes you feel good. But, only if it's a free will decision.
Years ago one of my friends seemed to be a walking and talking statistic. If a certain percentage of mankind had a problem, his name appeared under each and every heading. But, he just kept on. No wealth, etc.- but he was able to see his way to laughing at the troubles and move on. Admirable, deserving of respect-a success at life.
If you want a guide line to follow, his would be my recommendation.
If I desired wealth, fame or power, then I am a failure. But I am not alone in this totally non-exclusive club. The majority of us are co-members!
So if not the attributes above, what am I looking for? And, what affect does that have on my status?
Respect? Admiration? While that seems somewhat overwrought, do you know anyone not seeking those same things? I like people, meeting and learning about them. So, if I like them isn't natural to want their respect? Their admiration? The only obligation owed is one that is self-imposed. Doing for and helping others makes you feel good. But, only if it's a free will decision.
Years ago one of my friends seemed to be a walking and talking statistic. If a certain percentage of mankind had a problem, his name appeared under each and every heading. But, he just kept on. No wealth, etc.- but he was able to see his way to laughing at the troubles and move on. Admirable, deserving of respect-a success at life.
If you want a guide line to follow, his would be my recommendation.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Slow Learner
A dream, a purpose, an aim, a goal or a pursuit, they are different names for something I always felt I was missing in my own life.
When I was seventeen and a new high school graduate there was no plan. I was out of school, that was all I knew. Where I was headed, how, why or when were all unanswerable. How anyone could know their destiny at that age was incomprehensible.
Perhaps not as much anymore. I know a couple of real bright young people that seem to have the focus that I lacked. College credit courses while still in high school, work, travel and the ability to converse with all ages. Pretty impressive. Not family. So this isn't patting my own back. Parental guidance is a great part of this self-determination, but they have personality and positive, hopeful outlooks.
I am no longer anywhere near my teens, I may have even missed my second or third childhoods as well, but I finally realize that there was some guidance in my own path. Much more indirect and unchanneled, but there, regardless.
It would seem that my natural love of travel would have been self-evident. That my innate curiosity, my desire to see things up close and personal would have been obvious. I don't want to observe life by the snapshots of others, indeed I want to take those shots.
No Conestoga wagon, no camel caravan but my own "land turtle", one honkin' big RV. While a lot of folks have a bucket list, mine seems to have a leak. Check an item off and Voila! Two more appear, kind of reminds me of the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
There are so many things for me to do before I commence this next twist in the path. Still doing lists and plans. Many others doing the RV thing also do blogs. So when I do hit the road this will continue to be my chosen method of keeping everyone "in the loop". And, there's a return to Rome for the holidays. Then, my new reality will start.
Westward ho!
When I was seventeen and a new high school graduate there was no plan. I was out of school, that was all I knew. Where I was headed, how, why or when were all unanswerable. How anyone could know their destiny at that age was incomprehensible.
Perhaps not as much anymore. I know a couple of real bright young people that seem to have the focus that I lacked. College credit courses while still in high school, work, travel and the ability to converse with all ages. Pretty impressive. Not family. So this isn't patting my own back. Parental guidance is a great part of this self-determination, but they have personality and positive, hopeful outlooks.
I am no longer anywhere near my teens, I may have even missed my second or third childhoods as well, but I finally realize that there was some guidance in my own path. Much more indirect and unchanneled, but there, regardless.
It would seem that my natural love of travel would have been self-evident. That my innate curiosity, my desire to see things up close and personal would have been obvious. I don't want to observe life by the snapshots of others, indeed I want to take those shots.
No Conestoga wagon, no camel caravan but my own "land turtle", one honkin' big RV. While a lot of folks have a bucket list, mine seems to have a leak. Check an item off and Voila! Two more appear, kind of reminds me of the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
There are so many things for me to do before I commence this next twist in the path. Still doing lists and plans. Many others doing the RV thing also do blogs. So when I do hit the road this will continue to be my chosen method of keeping everyone "in the loop". And, there's a return to Rome for the holidays. Then, my new reality will start.
Westward ho!
Which do you prefer? Henny Penny Politics,
Old fables (pols) never die or Cry Wolf...they'll ignore your lunacy!
Lyrics are just beautiful thoughts with a beat.
Does red exist if you can't see?
Sean, that hot dog isn't done!
Geometry says; the shortest distance between rwo points is a straight line.
Nature says; straight lines do not exist.
Speaking of lines, perhaps the best known lines to man are the "double ess" ones!
Are flashlights in the window only a "faded memory"?
If a "second childhood" is possible, can I have "seconds"?
There may be a blemish on that self-image you've been working on all your life...just sayin"!
Old fables (pols) never die or Cry Wolf...they'll ignore your lunacy!
Lyrics are just beautiful thoughts with a beat.
Does red exist if you can't see?
Sean, that hot dog isn't done!
Geometry says; the shortest distance between rwo points is a straight line.
Nature says; straight lines do not exist.
Speaking of lines, perhaps the best known lines to man are the "double ess" ones!
Are flashlights in the window only a "faded memory"?
If a "second childhood" is possible, can I have "seconds"?
There may be a blemish on that self-image you've been working on all your life...just sayin"!
Monday, September 2, 2013
The summer of your years
The formative years of your life, the first years, are the ones when your parents teach you what you will need to know in order to interact with society...your peers, your playmates.
If there are basic flaws in your household, your education starts off skewed. A child in an illiterate home is at risk. If the household suffers from neglect, poverty, joblessness, then hopelessness is a very real possibility.
There are years of training, education; a ton of care and concern that go into becoming a teacher, a person entrusted with teaching your most valuable asset...your child. They are tested, interviewed, assessed and evaluated at all levels before they are allowed that privilege. None of that applies to you in the creation of them. Simple tab "A", slot"B"...oops! Yet, you as the parent are allowed to go to the school and complain to the teacher. They have virtually no recourse. Your child's teacher is now confronted with the task of "teaching to the test". What may be best for the student no longer exists. Curriculum that might aid the child has been given a few minutes per week. Johnny may graduate without knowing the capitol of his own state. Why would that be so important? He may have to go there to apply for some state assistance because he may be unemployable...due to lack of skills. Not to worry though , in this state if you fail the test the passing grade will obligingly lowered to accommodate!
If our children are not learning useful skills at home or in school, they are very apt to be learning much less productive ones on our streets! It isn't that hard to steal a purse from an elderly person with a walker! The equation isn't that difficult to follow; a child, given a decent education equals opportunity, perhaps a productive life with hope.
The math for you as a taxpayer is easy to do. Someone with a job, contributes to the tax base. Those without jobs not only don't, but frequently, exactly the opposite. Crime isn't measured in only what the victim pays, but in what we pay in taxes to control it. Police, tasar, mace, cars, jails, DA's, etc.
Teacher's don't carry guns. They deserve your respect, if only because they may be doing your job.
If there are basic flaws in your household, your education starts off skewed. A child in an illiterate home is at risk. If the household suffers from neglect, poverty, joblessness, then hopelessness is a very real possibility.
There are years of training, education; a ton of care and concern that go into becoming a teacher, a person entrusted with teaching your most valuable asset...your child. They are tested, interviewed, assessed and evaluated at all levels before they are allowed that privilege. None of that applies to you in the creation of them. Simple tab "A", slot"B"...oops! Yet, you as the parent are allowed to go to the school and complain to the teacher. They have virtually no recourse. Your child's teacher is now confronted with the task of "teaching to the test". What may be best for the student no longer exists. Curriculum that might aid the child has been given a few minutes per week. Johnny may graduate without knowing the capitol of his own state. Why would that be so important? He may have to go there to apply for some state assistance because he may be unemployable...due to lack of skills. Not to worry though , in this state if you fail the test the passing grade will obligingly lowered to accommodate!
If our children are not learning useful skills at home or in school, they are very apt to be learning much less productive ones on our streets! It isn't that hard to steal a purse from an elderly person with a walker! The equation isn't that difficult to follow; a child, given a decent education equals opportunity, perhaps a productive life with hope.
The math for you as a taxpayer is easy to do. Someone with a job, contributes to the tax base. Those without jobs not only don't, but frequently, exactly the opposite. Crime isn't measured in only what the victim pays, but in what we pay in taxes to control it. Police, tasar, mace, cars, jails, DA's, etc.
Teacher's don't carry guns. They deserve your respect, if only because they may be doing your job.
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