Wednesday, May 29, 2013


My friends are all VIP's. They are a large part of this trip. I needed to be surrounded by the care and concern of those that over the years have been such  a big part of our lives. My first thought was to write individual pieces about each of them. That was met with quite a bit of skepticism. Skepticism I was unprepared for, but which I think I understand now. Each of them knows how Grace and I feel about them, that is not a problem. My ability to write about them is what worries them. That is something I totally comprehend. I suffer from terminal "foot in the mouth"disease.And it is something that hasn't cured itself by passing to the written instead of spoken word. So I will try a different approach, I love you all and will try to let everyone in the world know how truly important each of you is; to me, to Grace, to each other and most importantly, to yourself.

You are my friend, not because of your money, wealth, religion, color, gender, preferences, age or intelligence. We are friends because we care about each other...that's it! We have stood up for each other, backed each other, helped each other and loved each other...that's it! So your only status to either Grace or myself was and is as a chosen loving friend.

My highest accolades are for those with curiosity and intelligence. This is my chance, I do have one filter, I simply can not abide ignorance by choice. Ignorance is curable by simply trying to learn. Not trying is way beyond's damned near criminal. That's my bias, my bigotry if you will. My friends are NOT on that list.

I feel bad that I do not feel capable of writing about each of you, because each of you deserve at least that much from me. But, when I return to the states you will remain here and any stupid things I write, imply, state or say ends up with you and I can not do that to anyone. So please accept my apology for not carrying out my plan.

Another apology that I have to make is to those who wonder why after all this time I haven't learned more Italian. You are right, mi dispiace! Once I carried a dictionary and a notebook with me everywhere. It was about the same as my camera...a part of me. What happened? Bureaucracy! We applied for visas prior to our fourth visit. After filling out all the required paperwork, including criminal record checks with the FBI, an Italian "paper-pusher" (bureaucrat) told us we would not be accepted...we were not wealthy enough. We still aren't. Our dream was gone, I could not put my heart back into it. That's it!

Explanations and apologies over. I am here because I belong here. We both did. Grace gets to remain, someday I will. So Edda, Lina, Piera, Ermano, Esther, Laura, Abul, Nelson, Giovanni, Desiree, Piero, Fabrizio, Marina, Sonia,Andea, Franca, Nilu, Costantino, Kevin, Sandro, Giulia, the many I've missed, all of my new friends I will NOT be asking you embarrassing questions, or writing about your lives, just thinking how much we both have enjoyed being part of your lives and how proud we were and are to call you friends.

You are VIP's as far as I am concerned and perhaps more so to Grace. That's it!!!

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