Friday, May 10, 2013

Soft List

Yesterday I felt a little better so I decided to see one of the sites on my soft list. A soft list contains places that I have never been to.It may expand to include ones I truly want to revisit, but that's somewhere down the line. This past week my sinus' have had me doing things unheard of...naps. Lots of them. My sleep clock is about as totally rewound as it can be. My head is getting through a little bit more of each day and now back to the soft list. Castel San Angelo was yesterday's choice. It has been there for a few centuries but I just had never made the attempt. The first stones were turned with the idea that the Emperor Hadrian would be buried there. That was the first of many ,including prison, arsenal, church and they actually serve pizza there now. The view, both inside and from the ramparts make this one that should be on  a must list. 

This is a city of musts. Catagorizing these musts isn't my each his own.

Today I walked to Trajan's Monument and the markets. Years ago I had taken many photos of pieces (statues) they had laying in their yard and put this one at the top of my soft list. I didn't even get inside before tears arose and stopped me in my tracks. There are a pair of twin-like churches just in front of the column and that is where had one of our first Roman moments. As we sat there the doors of the church opened and out came the wedding party. We watched mesmerized as the photographer ran back and forth to his van and digitally printed pictures for each of the guests. No wedding today, only my tears.

Walking inside the museum and the market fulfilled my wish to get closer, I was in a building that all the people of Caesars period used!  I was walking in the steps of Gods...Emperors...Bakers.
Couldn't let  this get out of hand, but yes I liked it!

Because there are more than 370 "Catholic" churches in Rome, many have made my list. Mostly because there is/are gorgeous things inside, they are "free" museums...but check the hours. Bernini, Borromini, Michelangelo, Rainardi...all here...all free.
Nowhere else! 

Toto, this isn't's heaven.


  1. With all those churches and the Vatican, you must be getting closer to heaven.

  2. You do not need to die to go to simply need to find yours! Mine is here, so was Grace's. She gets to stay, I will wait a bit!


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