Tuesday, December 4, 2012

One step...

Age has not been something that I have put much thought into. When I was a child most of my friends were older. Today younger. If everyone you know is the same age, don't you all think alike? How do you learn? Do you even want to?

One of my friends growing up was quite a bit older. I was a teenager and he was twenty something and married. His story, this one, is one of perseverance.

Bill was born in the Pittsburg area. At age 13 his Mom and Dad were in a terrible car accident, which only his Mom survived. She spent a year in and out of the hospital recovering. Spent the rest of her life with severe problems walking. She had been a teacher. But nevermore. Because of this event Bill left school, got a job and supported his family. Something he did for the rest of his life. 

Mom got better to the point of being able to get a job and return to her spot in the family. Bill was not able to return to school, he was no longer thirteen. Somewhere in here the family had moved north. Bill, now in late teens, met Evelyn, married, joined the Army, had a daughter, etc. 

When I finally met him, he was joining us in our tag football, stickball games. Competitive and never able to shake it. Even when we were unable to play outside, he had table hockey or board (APBA) baseball to play with or simply cards. Work was always hard for him because of lack of schooling. Factory worker, steel worker always hard labor. Key word, always. 

Three daughters, but no son. Then little Billy. For some people there is no justice. Little Billy never grew up. He drowned as a youngster. 

No one that I have met has ever tried as hard as Bill to keep his head and those of his family up. His ability to do this was most evident to me when I spoke with him years ago for what was the last time. One of his girls was now able to do for Bill and Evelyn what he had been doing for so long. He was still able to have his family around him. Life and everything it threw at him just could not wear him down.

You need to pay attention to all around you, because the most important lessons can be learned from the most surprising people. 

Wish you were here. Happy holidays to you both, wherever!

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