Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Nearly a year has passed since the Parkland School shooting. So yes it's an anniversary, just not one to celebrate. Sadly, we are at a point where we might have weekly anniversaries during the school year.

Self evident? Life? Liberty? The pursuit of happiness? Try selling that to the parents and loved ones of all the innocent victims of gun violence. An epidemic which has proliferated across our nation since the millennium. Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, store fronts, theaters, cinemas,clubs, school, restaurants, concerts, front porches and in some occasions in there homes as they sit watching television, havens that no longer are safe. What about their rights? Gone without a single thought given. Just a soft squeeze of a small steel trigger.

Which of them might have led us into a brighter, better and safer tomorrow? We shall never know. In that context each and every one of has been cheated. 

As I sit here, parents throughout the nation are busy rousing, prodding, feeding, preparing lunches, cajoling, doing everything needed to get there children ready for the day.
A day at school. The best hope, the best chance for many to rise above the teeming masses. Hopefully, all will have the opportunity to do better, live well and enjoy the success that the hundreds of victims simply won't.

The bus, the driver, the school and the teachers are all in  place to do their parts. Prepared, skilled, trained and caring. All the needs in place for the care, the education and the safety of our young students...from bus stop to playground. Into this safe haven comes one or more unconcerned, self absorbed and hate filled men carrying assault weapons. There purpose, to destroy. To rip apart families, to gut the hopes of entire kill. We are all victims because each one of us loses a little bit of our self and a little more of our hope. The fabric of our country is under assault.

Why? To serve what purpose? There are no good answers to these questions certainly not understandable ones. The why? Perhaps a combined sense of desperation, fear and an abject lack of hope.

Over the past two generations this spreading epidemic of hatred has claimed hundreds of young before they could even begin to know much less claim and enjoy their rights. The same rights so many more of nations have previously died for.

During this and all other similar events we have watched helplessly as the first responders, survivors, parents & media have vainly attempted to make sense from a senseless act. Afterwards comes a deluge of trite, banal and ultimately useless political platitudes. 

While this ongoing tragedy continues, each and every one of those platitudes has turned into...NOTHING!

The did sit, they do sit and they continue to sit on their collective hands.


Does not the continuing slaughter of our youth, the main hope for our nations warrant some degree of movement?


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