Sunday, August 23, 2015

Logical progression...from 15 year old eyes

It was the winter of 1958 and the coolest dude on TV was kind of like Tonto on steroids. Pahoo! A knife throwing Indian with a sawed-off shotgun slung under his serape for back-up.
Here we see him with the star, Jock Mahoney as Yancy Derringer and Frances Bergen as Yancy's current girl friend. For a show that didn't see a second season there is much to say about this group.

Here goes... X Brands plays Pahoo the stalwart side-kick. A seldom speaking Pawnee Indian. He actually received a letter of commendation from the tribe on his authenticity...he was of German decent. Perfectly normal in Hollywood where Leonard Nemoy (Spock) started out as an Indian.

Jock Mahoney, the lead, had worked his way up from stuntman to star and after a successful run as the Range Rider was taking a second stab at Cowboy stardom. His character was an ex-confederate officer  making his living as a gambler and as a covert agent on the side...even then New Orleans had a bad rep. In the cast, as sort of maid in waiting was Mahoney's real wife, Margaret Field. As befits the name Derringer was heavily armed. Not sure if that to thwart all the weekly villains or to keep all the girl-friends aligned.

In the cast there was a previous companion that now was running his favorite watering hole. But, the girl of the moment was played by Frances Bergen both attractive and accomplished but perhaps better known as the wife of Edgar Bergen.
 Ok, I am going to attempt a chart...

We have an Indian sidekick that is really German

A girlfriend with two wooden step-children ( Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd) and a real live beautiful daughter ( Candice Bergen)

A girl friend in waiting...his real wife, that has a daughter named Sally.

The hero, not the sidekick plays a southern gentleman despite the fact that he himself is part Cherokee.

How can you beat that?

Let's try, one of the wooden stepsons seduces the Flying Nun and begat...



Later, Sally joins up with a large cast to film the epic, Hooper!
A film based on the life of?????  Jock Mahoney!

This whole thing is stranger than fiction, but mostly true!

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