Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Too much time

Too much time? Too much coffee?

Is this a guy thing...or is it just a sensible reaction?

In the the discussion the subject of cleanliness arose. Number one son mentions that he changes towels, about once a week. Mom is aghast. Son, you wipe your tush with that towel. Not until I have washed it, Mom. My view is the same as #1 son. There isn't a maid coming behind me picking up all these wet towels, washing them, folding them or putting them away. Just how many towels does it take to dry a clean body and a flowing head of hair? Aren't you already on the road to dirty as soon as you step on the floor after exiting the shower? And if the dirty towel argument is to  be logically pursued, how often do you change sheets???

An awful lot of water goes over the dam and down the drain simply to fulfill this unsustainable argument. 

When I joined the Navy I was given two kinds of towels and a face cloth. Some knew the purpose for each, but many of us were totally at sea. The natural reaction to this unknown was to logically think it out and react accordingly. Every item we owned was to be perfectly clean, folded perfectly square and stowed properly for daily inspection. If you don't use it, you don't need to constantly try for that unattainable uniform perfection on a daily basis. Thus one towel until the laundry is done. We most certainly did not concern ourselves with the flowing locks didn't exist.

So, Mom, worry about your daughters and their pile of wet fabric that trails behind them as they merrily wind there way to their rooms scattering water and dampness all over the beautiful hardwood floors on the way beauty, style and the American dream...who is cleaning this mess? Just sayin'

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