Thursday, June 27, 2013

Battery charge

Let's face it, the past few months have been pretty nasty. There is no need to re-hash them as most of you lived through them with me. So as this three month trip slides into its' final third here is a synopsis.

I came here with the hope to "recharge" my own battery, to become more "tranquilla".  I came to honor and obey Grace's love and wishes. I came with thoughts of planning my future and lastly, I came to enjoy the warmth of the people here in our place in the sun.

The easy parts are done, the harder aspects either done or being worked on. There have been additions to the list along the way including artwork. Now I have some and think that part is complete too...we'll see. 

But, now we hit the part where I am stuck; planning. The newest wild idea is still very much  a work in progress. It  involves more travel, but also includes about two years in between. If I could remove that two years disappear my plan would make me happier. More planning I guess.

Who knows, perhaps there is a yurt in my future. or a way or the other life continues and so will I.

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