People play such a large part in you life that you sometimes loose track. Two people that played a huge part in my life were ones I never met, gone long before I could meet or appreciate the...but I have reaped rewards.
Thank you Loreto e Carmela. Grace's Grandparents, Nonna from Firenze e Nonno a Roma! I never had a chance! Italy and Rome were simply going to happen, but neither of us expected what happened. Grace fully anticipated a love affair in Florence and I was looking forward to seeing Barcelona again. With tearing leaking from our eyes we left Rome for the first time. Neither of us ever returned or left Rome dry-eyed again. The anticipated love affair continues, but not in Florence, but in our home of homes, Roma.
The works and labor enabled Loretto to send home for his bride, Carmela. Despite an age difference a home was built and the ensuing large Italian-American family seemed to take over the North Shore of Boston. It still does. Sanpietrini or cobblestones in the US were the work surface for Loretto and he built in the states as he had in Roma, for the duration. Some of his work still stands, choice of words here, do tunnels "stand"? The Sumner Tunnel was the first large scale road-work in Boston and still functions exactly as built.
A love affair cannot be based on demands, whether it's a city we are referring to or a person. Warts and all you love the package. Rome is no more perfect than any other city...just more-so for Grace and for me. I owe more to the "un-met" relatives of Grace than my own that were bright enough to leave Newfoundland or Nova Scotia. That was simply a no-brainer!
So Salve Nonna e salve Nonno...buona giornata!

This is my on line "Collector's Cabinet". It is non-profit and haphazard at best. I leave it to you to sort through and make sense of.The views are mine. The collection reflects some of my interests. But the material must be credited to the vast internet. Otherwise, I never would have been able to amass such a treasure trove. The purpose of this exercise is entertainment, naturally mine, but even more so yours. So, please let me know if anything strikes a chord with you.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
A good time to write this one
Why is this a good time to write this piece? Because last night was the worst night I have had since I arrived. The drunks and crack heads started early and finished late, giving me about five hours of brutal sleep. So here I go.
The previous pieces I have written have been somewhat concerned about the kids here getting in above their heads. They are oblivious. The looks on their faces as they walk through the Campo, disdainfully sneering at workers and business owners alike disconcerts me. These are 16 to 20 year old kids that have added nothing to the world so far and they are disdainful? What have I missed?
Here's a playback from my 2:00AM hits list; two young American guys fighting with each other about a girl that neither "loves", but one wants to f--k! Clear? Punch line, they leave and return to this romantic alley, smelling of urine, with the object of lust, chat for awhile and she leaves with them BOTH! Such a virtuous girl.
From 11:45 until somewhere around 4:00 AM this morning all I heard was the sound of giggling teenagers "scoring" crack, drunks stumbling and kicking beer bottles until they broke, cackling teenage girls proving their absolute inanity, phone calls from home being ignored while "Johnny" got high, dealers running up an down the street making money and not ONE cop the entire evening! The problem is out of hand and just being ignored. All of us paying for these high priced apartments are being robbed. I know that someone will eventually be hurt and I hope that I am not a witness, but my sympathy at this point is for the devil!
The previous pieces I have written have been somewhat concerned about the kids here getting in above their heads. They are oblivious. The looks on their faces as they walk through the Campo, disdainfully sneering at workers and business owners alike disconcerts me. These are 16 to 20 year old kids that have added nothing to the world so far and they are disdainful? What have I missed?
Here's a playback from my 2:00AM hits list; two young American guys fighting with each other about a girl that neither "loves", but one wants to f--k! Clear? Punch line, they leave and return to this romantic alley, smelling of urine, with the object of lust, chat for awhile and she leaves with them BOTH! Such a virtuous girl.
From 11:45 until somewhere around 4:00 AM this morning all I heard was the sound of giggling teenagers "scoring" crack, drunks stumbling and kicking beer bottles until they broke, cackling teenage girls proving their absolute inanity, phone calls from home being ignored while "Johnny" got high, dealers running up an down the street making money and not ONE cop the entire evening! The problem is out of hand and just being ignored. All of us paying for these high priced apartments are being robbed. I know that someone will eventually be hurt and I hope that I am not a witness, but my sympathy at this point is for the devil!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Today while I was talking to my Sister-in-law she asked me a question that left me sputtering. Are you having fun? I really didn't have a ready answer. Fun had not been a word that I had used lately, so I gave it some thought and came up with this. Yes.
My fun. I have been fortunate enough to see new places and that is really something I enjoy. Right off the bat I got to the via Appia and saw the ancient aqueduct, a surprise that will last me the rest of my life. Walks into areas that I had not visited, rides on scooters and buses to homes never visited, galleries, museums and churches that I had or had not been to previously along with dinners and drama seem like a lot when I string together like this. They are, but without people new and old these events and visits are just that, events.
There are still more places and things on my list, all of which I expect to enjoy, but as always the people make the place or event a homecoming, not a mere event.
I do have proof of all this and as soon as I learn how to use all my new toys properly you will get to see this proof...around 2500 shots and counting.
The word fun was not on any list that was with me, but yes I am having fun.
Now for more...ciao!
...and thanks Brenda!
My fun. I have been fortunate enough to see new places and that is really something I enjoy. Right off the bat I got to the via Appia and saw the ancient aqueduct, a surprise that will last me the rest of my life. Walks into areas that I had not visited, rides on scooters and buses to homes never visited, galleries, museums and churches that I had or had not been to previously along with dinners and drama seem like a lot when I string together like this. They are, but without people new and old these events and visits are just that, events.
There are still more places and things on my list, all of which I expect to enjoy, but as always the people make the place or event a homecoming, not a mere event.
I do have proof of all this and as soon as I learn how to use all my new toys properly you will get to see this proof...around 2500 shots and counting.
The word fun was not on any list that was with me, but yes I am having fun.
Now for more...ciao!
...and thanks Brenda!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
From Bruno to you
I've been standing here for 124 years and I have an itch that is driving me nuts!
So, there's this guy down there dressed in a white robe, sandals and a Fedora taking pictures of me...Hey, you're the ones that did this to me! Did you forget?
That white-haired guy over there writing all the time, didn't he use to take pictures???
Sinatra used to sing, "It's not easy being green", he didn't know the half of it! At least it wasn't the "Sunny days" thing!
Take it from someone who knows, if you hear these words, "Trust me, you must have faith!" ...RUN!!!
So, there's this guy down there dressed in a white robe, sandals and a Fedora taking pictures of me...Hey, you're the ones that did this to me! Did you forget?
That white-haired guy over there writing all the time, didn't he use to take pictures???
Sinatra used to sing, "It's not easy being green", he didn't know the half of it! At least it wasn't the "Sunny days" thing!
Take it from someone who knows, if you hear these words, "Trust me, you must have faith!" ...RUN!!!
Battery charge
Let's face it, the past few months have been pretty nasty. There is no need to re-hash them as most of you lived through them with me. So as this three month trip slides into its' final third here is a synopsis.
I came here with the hope to "recharge" my own battery, to become more "tranquilla". I came to honor and obey Grace's love and wishes. I came with thoughts of planning my future and lastly, I came to enjoy the warmth of the people here in our place in the sun.
The easy parts are done, the harder aspects either done or being worked on. There have been additions to the list along the way including artwork. Now I have some and think that part is complete too...we'll see.
But, now we hit the part where I am stuck; planning. The newest wild idea is still very much a work in progress. It involves more travel, but also includes about two years in between. If I could remove that two years disappear my plan would make me happier. More planning I guess.
Who knows, perhaps there is a yurt in my future. or a way or the other life continues and so will I.
I came here with the hope to "recharge" my own battery, to become more "tranquilla". I came to honor and obey Grace's love and wishes. I came with thoughts of planning my future and lastly, I came to enjoy the warmth of the people here in our place in the sun.
The easy parts are done, the harder aspects either done or being worked on. There have been additions to the list along the way including artwork. Now I have some and think that part is complete too...we'll see.
But, now we hit the part where I am stuck; planning. The newest wild idea is still very much a work in progress. It involves more travel, but also includes about two years in between. If I could remove that two years disappear my plan would make me happier. More planning I guess.
Who knows, perhaps there is a yurt in my future. or a way or the other life continues and so will I.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The good, the sad and the ugly
The office is open.
Every organism needs to sustain itself. My needs include a sense of community, people,life and all of its interactions. That need is diverse across the field, intellectually, racially, faith...I don't care about them as long as WE can communicate our cares, likes and thoughts. Agreement not a requirement, just the willingness to listen. So I am in my own Utopia. Good!
I am a visitor, where I see Fantasia, my working friends view reality. But they get to stay. Nothing balances that. Sad!
Ugly...the nightly parade of kids...teenagers trying to prove themselves in the early hours of the morning, without a safety net. Ugly again last night...and sad too!
Every organism needs to sustain itself. My needs include a sense of community, people,life and all of its interactions. That need is diverse across the field, intellectually, racially, faith...I don't care about them as long as WE can communicate our cares, likes and thoughts. Agreement not a requirement, just the willingness to listen. So I am in my own Utopia. Good!
I am a visitor, where I see Fantasia, my working friends view reality. But they get to stay. Nothing balances that. Sad!
Ugly...the nightly parade of kids...teenagers trying to prove themselves in the early hours of the morning, without a safety net. Ugly again last night...and sad too!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Even though every one of my senses tells me that you are right there in front of me, science has been unable to prove what the life force that guides us is! Or, how it works.
The only conclusion to be taken is that we are all legally dead! Before all you lawyers get excited, remember the dead don't pay so well! just sayin'
The only conclusion to be taken is that we are all legally dead! Before all you lawyers get excited, remember the dead don't pay so well! just sayin'
Seeing red
When she reached down to tug on her underwear and also showed off her red thong, she showed an awful lot more!!!!No class!
New Intel
If you design something, you are known for it. No one wnats to design a toilet...(see Henry Crapper)!
Standing on the corner...
This is funny, as I sit here waiting for my ride, the utter look of shock on the faces, as the light actually turns red! Vanni was right, the signals are, mere suggestions!
The corner of the Circo Massimo where I am sitting is a fun place to be waiting, I get to watch, people, drivers (slightly different animal) and help the bewildered wanderers without moving. How can so many, have paid so much, with so little ability to read a map? Was no-one ever in the Boy Scouts? Ten minutes and three lost wanderers down the road Fabrizzio, Marina and Sara arrive to take me to dinner. I know not where...nor, do I care.
Somewhere near San Giovanni's we sit down to suppli and pizza. Marina e Fabbrizio e is Sara. The company, the show and the food provided a great evening. Looking forward to his visit this winter and I'm still here!
Hope there's a couple of more nights like this left!
The corner of the Circo Massimo where I am sitting is a fun place to be waiting, I get to watch, people, drivers (slightly different animal) and help the bewildered wanderers without moving. How can so many, have paid so much, with so little ability to read a map? Was no-one ever in the Boy Scouts? Ten minutes and three lost wanderers down the road Fabrizzio, Marina and Sara arrive to take me to dinner. I know not where...nor, do I care.
Somewhere near San Giovanni's we sit down to suppli and pizza. Marina e Fabbrizio e is Sara. The company, the show and the food provided a great evening. Looking forward to his visit this winter and I'm still here!
Hope there's a couple of more nights like this left!
A few from Bruno...
If the cherries hit the ground and you pick them up with rubber gloves...
The pigeons don't seem to have noticed, but the mood around here is much better, less rain.
I'm confused, Antonio isn't Antonio, he's Abul. Stefano is Esteban. Does everyone have two names? But, Fabrizzio is still Fabrizzio!
All these Brazilian gymnasts jumping and twisting, the kids sure love it...wish I could do a back-flip!
Friday night with a full night out to howl.
That's right, wear those silly flip-flop things...and then complain about your feet! just sayin'
Marco and Sandro can't keep up so they've got extra help and still Fabri is cutting melons! Watch out Babla he could be after your job!
Segways in the that just isn't right!
You know the worst hours are between 4:00 and 5:00, it's the only time there aren't any people.
The pigeons don't seem to have noticed, but the mood around here is much better, less rain.
I'm confused, Antonio isn't Antonio, he's Abul. Stefano is Esteban. Does everyone have two names? But, Fabrizzio is still Fabrizzio!
All these Brazilian gymnasts jumping and twisting, the kids sure love it...wish I could do a back-flip!
Friday night with a full night out to howl.
That's right, wear those silly flip-flop things...and then complain about your feet! just sayin'
Marco and Sandro can't keep up so they've got extra help and still Fabri is cutting melons! Watch out Babla he could be after your job!
Segways in the that just isn't right!
You know the worst hours are between 4:00 and 5:00, it's the only time there aren't any people.
Monday, June 17, 2013
No Rhymn...less reason
One of the popes came to the conclusion that all the nude male statues were lewd. Thus, he commissioned someone to remove all penii and replace with fig leaves...Who got that contract? How was he paid? Is there a box of....
Only me, but isn't it a bit off-putting when sit down to eat and be assaulted by every alimentary problem known to man and there solutions from Pristine to Prep H?????
I know when I use a reflection in photography that it is a contortion of fact...does that apply to when I reflect in life as well?
Things you detest, but must accept...irritants!
Many of my photos are filed under the heading, "Somewhere I have..."Am i looking for a rainbow?
How do you travel thousands of miles to another country and walk its' streets complaining of the way they do things? It's 8:30...a bit early for the full bitch mode!
First you are a human being...there should only be one following qualifier, GOOD?BAD!!!
Only me, but isn't it a bit off-putting when sit down to eat and be assaulted by every alimentary problem known to man and there solutions from Pristine to Prep H?????
I know when I use a reflection in photography that it is a contortion of fact...does that apply to when I reflect in life as well?
Things you detest, but must accept...irritants!
Many of my photos are filed under the heading, "Somewhere I have..."Am i looking for a rainbow?
How do you travel thousands of miles to another country and walk its' streets complaining of the way they do things? It's 8:30...a bit early for the full bitch mode!
First you are a human being...there should only be one following qualifier, GOOD?BAD!!!
Can we talk?
I just watched another conversation. It's easy here. Most conversations verbal and visual. To tie an the hands of Fabrizio is to render him speechless. Here is a functioning generalization of an Italian, passionate, generous, voluble and often volatile. Works for me.
Since my definition of conversation involves a minimum of two humans, the minimum is never in doubt here.
Once I found a charge on one of my bills for a missed appointment. The appointment was with my online provider in Florida. When I made the follow-up call, I was told that there had been a conversation regarding my appointment on some given date. When I replied that on that given day, as well as the day of the appointment I had been over 6000 miles away, here is what I got..."Our computer called and left a message. That may have qualified as a message, but since no humans were involved, not as a conversation. The following "conversation" was a bit more heated and eventually ,I got a refund...then changed providers!
As a youth several of us would debate the worlds' problems, we solved all of them. No one listened. Guess it also matters who the conversation is with!
I hate speed-speak! You know, when some teen-ager talks so fast that he almost bites himself. Its rude and is only acceptable if he does bite himself...severely!!! Speech and communication skills should be enjoyable, not a competition.
Since my definition of conversation involves a minimum of two humans, the minimum is never in doubt here.
Once I found a charge on one of my bills for a missed appointment. The appointment was with my online provider in Florida. When I made the follow-up call, I was told that there had been a conversation regarding my appointment on some given date. When I replied that on that given day, as well as the day of the appointment I had been over 6000 miles away, here is what I got..."Our computer called and left a message. That may have qualified as a message, but since no humans were involved, not as a conversation. The following "conversation" was a bit more heated and eventually ,I got a refund...then changed providers!
As a youth several of us would debate the worlds' problems, we solved all of them. No one listened. Guess it also matters who the conversation is with!
I hate speed-speak! You know, when some teen-ager talks so fast that he almost bites himself. Its rude and is only acceptable if he does bite himself...severely!!! Speech and communication skills should be enjoyable, not a competition.
Up close and personal
I have a camera, three actually and have been using one for nearly fifty years. One of the first things I encountered was the fact that we as humans have an actively sympathetic view of life. We see what we want to. The camera sees what is. Once upon a time that was easily proven by the number of photos that included a in over the lens. now more evident by the proverbial growth from your beloved wife's head. Of course you can truthfully answer her query with, "I only had eyes for you,dear!" Learning how to use the camera is another option.
Yesterday's question was, "Is a photo of a reflection real"? Our answer, I think, was it is a real picture of an image...give or take. Jury remains out on that verdict. The camera is a tool, both like and unlike a hammer. You need to use it for the correct task to get the most from it. Take the photo with the camera, hang it with the hammer.
Last night, as the drunks and druggies paraded past my window I gave some murder! Also, since I had so much time on my hands, to my photography. Once I thought that human shots were primo. Then possibly I don't know. Perhaps what pops up.
Availability! When I am in a new place or a city early morning is my chosen time. I love to get up and browse for a new shot. If time permits, I will try and set it up as best possible, that failing the "shotgun" system works too. Shoot a lot and choose the best later. Photo shop cures all.
Glass, water, clean cars are all your friends. The shiny surfaces give you a new view-point on what could be a very trite or jaded subject. My new camera allows me to shoot from wide angle to macro to loooong distance with the twist of my fingers,learn the parameters of the tool. Think outside the box. Twist, bend, manipulate the subject. Change the view, the distance, etc. One subject but multiple slants and views. If/when that fails, I go home...and return again. Could be the same Colloseo or not. Or just more coffee, who knows. The walk is nice regardless. Win! Win!
Yesterday's question was, "Is a photo of a reflection real"? Our answer, I think, was it is a real picture of an image...give or take. Jury remains out on that verdict. The camera is a tool, both like and unlike a hammer. You need to use it for the correct task to get the most from it. Take the photo with the camera, hang it with the hammer.
Last night, as the drunks and druggies paraded past my window I gave some murder! Also, since I had so much time on my hands, to my photography. Once I thought that human shots were primo. Then possibly I don't know. Perhaps what pops up.
Availability! When I am in a new place or a city early morning is my chosen time. I love to get up and browse for a new shot. If time permits, I will try and set it up as best possible, that failing the "shotgun" system works too. Shoot a lot and choose the best later. Photo shop cures all.
Glass, water, clean cars are all your friends. The shiny surfaces give you a new view-point on what could be a very trite or jaded subject. My new camera allows me to shoot from wide angle to macro to loooong distance with the twist of my fingers,learn the parameters of the tool. Think outside the box. Twist, bend, manipulate the subject. Change the view, the distance, etc. One subject but multiple slants and views. If/when that fails, I go home...and return again. Could be the same Colloseo or not. Or just more coffee, who knows. The walk is nice regardless. Win! Win!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
I used to read the newspaper, I still do , but now it's online. So am I. Now I can contribute as well as just read. Electronics and the media have taken the simple conversation and changed it into a world-wide dialogue.
The ability to instantly communicate your thoughts and ideas has brought along its flip-side as well. Every idea one has is not grand or need to be published. Yet that is precisely what I see happening. Way to frequently my own ideas are wrong, so I must assume the same holds true for others. This is a forum that permits me to interact with the world. At no other time in my life have I felt there was any such access. A truth, mine or yours is a two sided weapon. Cutting with one edge and smoothing with its flat side.Some of what you read will surprise you...enjoy.
The ability to instantly communicate your thoughts and ideas has brought along its flip-side as well. Every idea one has is not grand or need to be published. Yet that is precisely what I see happening. Way to frequently my own ideas are wrong, so I must assume the same holds true for others. This is a forum that permits me to interact with the world. At no other time in my life have I felt there was any such access. A truth, mine or yours is a two sided weapon. Cutting with one edge and smoothing with its flat side.Some of what you read will surprise you...enjoy.
Marco, you'll love this!
This is what Marco has to do with this story, Marco please ask me what my original title was. That's it.
Here's an irony. I leave Florida and arrive in time for Harley week! Me! A group of riders from Miami (more irony) were at the bar the other day discussing their plans, etc. The number one complaint? No Harleys for rent...they had to ride BMW's!
There are "colors" from everywhere, England, Latvia, USA, Dubai, Greece, France...everywhere. Since I don't profess to being a biker their plans and events are unknown to me. Most of them look just like the guys I see in Clearwater, 65, long white pony-tails, denim, leather...the whole nine yards!
However, bikes are much more accepted in Europe. Respectable even. None of these folks really fit the "outlaw" image.
So, here's my final twist. While the bikers are riding the streets of Rome, overhead fly all the world's helicopters protecting the "gay pride " march!
What a world!
Here's an irony. I leave Florida and arrive in time for Harley week! Me! A group of riders from Miami (more irony) were at the bar the other day discussing their plans, etc. The number one complaint? No Harleys for rent...they had to ride BMW's!
There are "colors" from everywhere, England, Latvia, USA, Dubai, Greece, France...everywhere. Since I don't profess to being a biker their plans and events are unknown to me. Most of them look just like the guys I see in Clearwater, 65, long white pony-tails, denim, leather...the whole nine yards!
However, bikes are much more accepted in Europe. Respectable even. None of these folks really fit the "outlaw" image.
So, here's my final twist. While the bikers are riding the streets of Rome, overhead fly all the world's helicopters protecting the "gay pride " march!
What a world!
Yesterday, while in my "office" I tried to help someone an as a result got into an interesting conversation. To set the stage, I saw/heard Kevin talking with another customer about apartments. Showing my usual restraint (none), I went over, introduced myself and proceeded to tell her about the agency I had used and a couple of other possibilities. She called Richard, left a message and sat back in anticipation.
As we did the usual,"where are you from, do you like Rome?" thing, two more friends came by and now its a party of four. My new friend Lara is a lawyer and she is from Malta. Nigist , an architectural student from Ethiopia married to Philipp an economist from Switzerland...stage...Roma, only Roma!
So here I sit, an old delivery driver discussing topics, situations and life just down the the street from the opening set (S.Andrea della Valle) of a world renowned opera. You gotta' love it!
The feeling is that we Americans are more "open" and they have their own back-up stories to prove it. Me? Guess I'm another story!
As we did the usual,"where are you from, do you like Rome?" thing, two more friends came by and now its a party of four. My new friend Lara is a lawyer and she is from Malta. Nigist , an architectural student from Ethiopia married to Philipp an economist from Switzerland...stage...Roma, only Roma!
So here I sit, an old delivery driver discussing topics, situations and life just down the the street from the opening set (S.Andrea della Valle) of a world renowned opera. You gotta' love it!
The feeling is that we Americans are more "open" and they have their own back-up stories to prove it. Me? Guess I'm another story!
A Walk With Bruno
The day was full of laughter, sun and hats. No long walks. From somewhere in the past my back has kicked up. So it's just me and my Canon pacing the Campo in the morning. It is somewhere around 8:00 here and the light is wonderful for pictures, low, bright and brilliant. someday I'll stop, but for now just a few more shots to add to my collection.
Giulia has joined me with Sandro's daughter, Valeria. They are loaded with reading material. A multi-lingual Vogue for Giulia, stickers at the beach for Valeria while I sit and write. It was the start of the trend of the day...multi-generational And, one of the more quiet moments as well.
A lot of the afternoon was spent "knocking down" Fabrizio's stand. Like I have mentioned, it is a daily thing, Set-up in the morning, a few hours of sales and mayhem followed by the even harder knock down period. It is more difficult because the clients (tourists) seem to smell blood and start to swarm around the kiosk looking for "deals".Today we were trying to finish up quickly because we were headed to Fabrizio's home for the evening. We finally completed the task.
Van loaded we head home. The trip to and from work is always against the traffic and takes up to an hour depending on accidents and bottlenecks. There is a sixth gear on the knob, but it has never been used. If Fabrizio ever gets to put the van into sixth gear he will probably find that it will jam on old lost hats.
After the usual tour of the house we got back into the generational thing with Nonna (Marina) playing goalie to Nicholas the forward. She was really trying to protect the food! Fabri and I talked about art...not soccer. I did my best to explain the difference between the two english words, house and home. I hope my answer worked, it's not from the dictionary. A home has love, you dwell/reside in a house. The best line I've heard is, "a home is where your heart is"!
This is where I fail horribly at being Italian, supper is served. I can not even begin to keep up. Poco is supposed to mean, just a little...they thought I said (was) loco and we all know the meaning of that. A wonderful evening with Nicholas fighting sleep in my arms as we watch an Italian version of Yogi bear on tv.
Gelato...sempre gelato!
Now the ride back into the city. No traffic as we ride along the via Appia and by the walls enclosing the city...15 minutes now.
Last, in 1945 the GI's left Rome and went back to the states...WHY?
Giulia has joined me with Sandro's daughter, Valeria. They are loaded with reading material. A multi-lingual Vogue for Giulia, stickers at the beach for Valeria while I sit and write. It was the start of the trend of the day...multi-generational And, one of the more quiet moments as well.
A lot of the afternoon was spent "knocking down" Fabrizio's stand. Like I have mentioned, it is a daily thing, Set-up in the morning, a few hours of sales and mayhem followed by the even harder knock down period. It is more difficult because the clients (tourists) seem to smell blood and start to swarm around the kiosk looking for "deals".Today we were trying to finish up quickly because we were headed to Fabrizio's home for the evening. We finally completed the task.
Van loaded we head home. The trip to and from work is always against the traffic and takes up to an hour depending on accidents and bottlenecks. There is a sixth gear on the knob, but it has never been used. If Fabrizio ever gets to put the van into sixth gear he will probably find that it will jam on old lost hats.
After the usual tour of the house we got back into the generational thing with Nonna (Marina) playing goalie to Nicholas the forward. She was really trying to protect the food! Fabri and I talked about art...not soccer. I did my best to explain the difference between the two english words, house and home. I hope my answer worked, it's not from the dictionary. A home has love, you dwell/reside in a house. The best line I've heard is, "a home is where your heart is"!
This is where I fail horribly at being Italian, supper is served. I can not even begin to keep up. Poco is supposed to mean, just a little...they thought I said (was) loco and we all know the meaning of that. A wonderful evening with Nicholas fighting sleep in my arms as we watch an Italian version of Yogi bear on tv.
Gelato...sempre gelato!
Now the ride back into the city. No traffic as we ride along the via Appia and by the walls enclosing the city...15 minutes now.
Last, in 1945 the GI's left Rome and went back to the states...WHY?
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Bruno's View
Where were the water pistols when I needed them?
Every night they try to entertain me; magicians, mimes, chalk artists, clowns..."musicians" and the fire acts...oh,do I hate them!!!!!!!
Lets not forget over one million awful versions of "Ole sol a mio"!
Hey Chaim, did you know that a hat is cheaper than sunscreen? Just ask Fabri.
I heard that if the skies are blue over the Vatican that there will be no rain...posso!
Dante was a nice guy, I wonder if he would call this "Limbo"?
Muslims, Christians,athiests and Jews all working together down there without a problem. I thinks I finally found the one God, it's name? MONEY!
I'm not going anywhere soon, but let me tell you that backpack looks d----d uncomfortable!
Look over there! No, the other window...put some clothes on!
Fabrizio, what's with the heads...Museo di Fabri?
White jeans, black underwear! I'm getting warm again.
Every night they try to entertain me; magicians, mimes, chalk artists, clowns..."musicians" and the fire acts...oh,do I hate them!!!!!!!
Lets not forget over one million awful versions of "Ole sol a mio"!
Hey Chaim, did you know that a hat is cheaper than sunscreen? Just ask Fabri.
I heard that if the skies are blue over the Vatican that there will be no rain...posso!
Dante was a nice guy, I wonder if he would call this "Limbo"?
Muslims, Christians,athiests and Jews all working together down there without a problem. I thinks I finally found the one God, it's name? MONEY!
I'm not going anywhere soon, but let me tell you that backpack looks d----d uncomfortable!
Look over there! No, the other window...put some clothes on!
Fabrizio, what's with the heads...Museo di Fabri?
White jeans, black underwear! I'm getting warm again.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Well, it's 1,2,3...what are we doing here?
I love to travel. There, I've stated the obvious. Seeing new places, meeting new friends, enjoying new experiences and encountering new cultures are what make me the happiest. No part of me likes to be enclosed or to "stand still". My heart, my brain cry for the free, unfettered learning experience that travel permits. I was fortunate to have the perfect travel companion. Grace and I traveled well and far. We started over twenty years ago and I am still going. She has found her found her final home, one common to us both. We shared this passion from California to Here...Rome, the home of our hearts.
Because you are a traveler, you are always one step removed from everyday life. Some of the mundane tasks are skipped or given to some one else to do. Chores and problems are not permitted to interfere with your dreams. It is only one step, but it is always there. We have tried to overcome this "one step" and to some degree feel successful. We, now only I, feel privileged to have such a warm, caring "Roman family" to add to our natural ones.
Travel is not free, so prioritizing is your first need. Budget, theme, destination, etc. In short, some research is required. Going to the local travel agent and saying, "We want to go somewhere" is not the best start. It may be your only chance to do this, after all money is going to play a big part in this decision as will your health. You will exceed your budget and you will pay for both! Knowing that try to figure out if a cruise, camping, guided tour, etc will be your best solution. Countryside? City? History? Culture? What interests you (both)?
Then go do it! Remember the keyword...go! You will be leaving your natural's no longer Kansas, Toto.
The world is big and every place you go from Maine to Madagascar is a new experience. Forget the way Mom made spaghetti and meat balls or that they play cricket not baseball and remember its a new experience for you. Enjoy it!
Because you are a traveler, you are always one step removed from everyday life. Some of the mundane tasks are skipped or given to some one else to do. Chores and problems are not permitted to interfere with your dreams. It is only one step, but it is always there. We have tried to overcome this "one step" and to some degree feel successful. We, now only I, feel privileged to have such a warm, caring "Roman family" to add to our natural ones.
Travel is not free, so prioritizing is your first need. Budget, theme, destination, etc. In short, some research is required. Going to the local travel agent and saying, "We want to go somewhere" is not the best start. It may be your only chance to do this, after all money is going to play a big part in this decision as will your health. You will exceed your budget and you will pay for both! Knowing that try to figure out if a cruise, camping, guided tour, etc will be your best solution. Countryside? City? History? Culture? What interests you (both)?
Then go do it! Remember the keyword...go! You will be leaving your natural's no longer Kansas, Toto.
The world is big and every place you go from Maine to Madagascar is a new experience. Forget the way Mom made spaghetti and meat balls or that they play cricket not baseball and remember its a new experience for you. Enjoy it!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Immigrant's Song
I have the privilege (that's irony folks) of living in a state so "right wing that it's spinning, not in a circle, but a death spiral.
Immigration is a hot button topic.How all these "new folks" (Not at all what they are called) take so much from society, play the system and return nothing. I have some pretty interesting thoughts about this subject. Most of those that I actually know in/on/using the system are the same race, religion and creed as the complainers. In fact the same family in some cases. As that old religious tenet goes, "let those without sin cast the first stone"!
History shows that the "new wave" of immigrants takes jobs that no one here wants. That they work hard and long hours for low wages until their children can reap the "American Dream". That history covers the period of time that these mockers have as an American history.
The legality scream is as absurd as it is odious. Why did all of our ancestors leave town in the dead of night? What papers did they have? Look into the mirror folks. As to what the new people add...did you pick that orange, apple, squash that you are cooking? Who's face do you see when you enter a food store?
Every single person in our nation owes that single fact to ancestors that crossed oceans or ice to get here. The Indians were first by a wide margin and they walked...just as their descendants are now.
Immigration is a hot button topic.How all these "new folks" (Not at all what they are called) take so much from society, play the system and return nothing. I have some pretty interesting thoughts about this subject. Most of those that I actually know in/on/using the system are the same race, religion and creed as the complainers. In fact the same family in some cases. As that old religious tenet goes, "let those without sin cast the first stone"!
History shows that the "new wave" of immigrants takes jobs that no one here wants. That they work hard and long hours for low wages until their children can reap the "American Dream". That history covers the period of time that these mockers have as an American history.
The legality scream is as absurd as it is odious. Why did all of our ancestors leave town in the dead of night? What papers did they have? Look into the mirror folks. As to what the new people add...did you pick that orange, apple, squash that you are cooking? Who's face do you see when you enter a food store?
Every single person in our nation owes that single fact to ancestors that crossed oceans or ice to get here. The Indians were first by a wide margin and they walked...just as their descendants are now.
Truth or consequences
Here a few of the adjectives attributed to me over the years; cynic, skeptic,disbeliever, negative. And here are my alternatives; pragmatist or realist. lastly, a definition of cynicism. Cynicism was first a school of philosophy expressing contempt for wealth and pleasure, but currently defined as the distrust of the apparent motives of others. All of the adjectives seem to fit under the umbrella except negative.It is not listed for any of the other terms as either synonym or relevance or relationship.
As I previously stated, I believe that all people are inherently good...not that they remain that way. In many "need" becomes "greed", idealism morphs into "let's make a deal" and "bottom line" trumps "human needs". You don't have to ponder long on this, it's pretty much "point and shoot" truth.
So if I believe in what's in front of my is that negative? True, real yes. I am neither a philosopher or a Pollyanna. I do not expect everyone to be nice, just that they start from a nice base---and alter into their final selves.
As I previously stated, I believe that all people are inherently good...not that they remain that way. In many "need" becomes "greed", idealism morphs into "let's make a deal" and "bottom line" trumps "human needs". You don't have to ponder long on this, it's pretty much "point and shoot" truth.
So if I believe in what's in front of my is that negative? True, real yes. I am neither a philosopher or a Pollyanna. I do not expect everyone to be nice, just that they start from a nice base---and alter into their final selves.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
A Comedy of the Absurd
Once we could laugh at ourselves. Not so caught up in our own magnificence. Pomposity, priggishness all of our human foibles were fair game. Political correctness appeared and swallowed our sense of the inane.
Sensitivity training, anger management and other buzz-word conditions have turned the word man, as in humanity, into all but a curse word. As I near 70 I resent the whole thing. Because I was born in the time period of the 1940's I was taught a system called courtesy. A system loosely attached to chivalry. One in which you respect women, elders, those possibly weaker than yourself. Perhaps it is as archaic as just plain good manners. Obviously no one has a clue about them. Can't blame the kids if the parents didn't teach them.
PC has turned one of our strongest traits into a non-existent memory. The comic muse predates most modern religions. The Greek masks of tragedy and comedy are instantly recognizable and are symbols of learning several thousand years old. Using that same muse to point out the ludicrous isn't a new thing either. Buffoons, clowns and jesters were given carte blanche by kings and divine rulers. In a day and age where politicians "talk the talk" and then slither away we desperately need the ability to see "the emperor's new suit"!
Sensitivity training, anger management and other buzz-word conditions have turned the word man, as in humanity, into all but a curse word. As I near 70 I resent the whole thing. Because I was born in the time period of the 1940's I was taught a system called courtesy. A system loosely attached to chivalry. One in which you respect women, elders, those possibly weaker than yourself. Perhaps it is as archaic as just plain good manners. Obviously no one has a clue about them. Can't blame the kids if the parents didn't teach them.
PC has turned one of our strongest traits into a non-existent memory. The comic muse predates most modern religions. The Greek masks of tragedy and comedy are instantly recognizable and are symbols of learning several thousand years old. Using that same muse to point out the ludicrous isn't a new thing either. Buffoons, clowns and jesters were given carte blanche by kings and divine rulers. In a day and age where politicians "talk the talk" and then slither away we desperately need the ability to see "the emperor's new suit"!
Brunos' Facebook
" It was bad enough that they burned me here, but these damned pigeons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Click, click,click...WTF, it's not like I'm doing anything!
8:15, bells,bells, bells...the drinks aren't even home from the drunken ship yet!
Wish Fabrizio could figure out which way to set up, everyone else is the same a statue it's something I can appreciate!
Didn't guy from Harvard have song titled "Poisoning pigeons in the Park"? Seemed like apretty good idea to me!
BANG!!!! Damned cannon!
Lime green sneakers, matching soccer outfit and a small he's pointing some little square thing at me...Mommy!!!!
Wish I had a camera!!!
What's with these bells??? Oops-Domenica, mi dispiace!
Click, click,click...WTF, it's not like I'm doing anything!
8:15, bells,bells, bells...the drinks aren't even home from the drunken ship yet!
Wish Fabrizio could figure out which way to set up, everyone else is the same a statue it's something I can appreciate!
Didn't guy from Harvard have song titled "Poisoning pigeons in the Park"? Seemed like apretty good idea to me!
BANG!!!! Damned cannon!
Lime green sneakers, matching soccer outfit and a small he's pointing some little square thing at me...Mommy!!!!
Wish I had a camera!!!
What's with these bells??? Oops-Domenica, mi dispiace!
In order for a culture to thrive there has to be hope. Not for a select few that inherited privilege but for each and every one of us. We are all equally deserving of that ideal. It's not a just a "right",something a nation votes on. It is an idea that we as individual humans might finally go forward and prove that man is basically good.
In the United States the numbers point to an infantile percentage of the population basically "owning" the country. Think about that. They didn't do anything except to wait for someone to die!And, that death elevated them to power. Nothing to do with school grades, classes attended, knowledge or ability...simply a death.
Where is this going? At the lowest level where education really equates to discipline and survival means only bare existence hope has disappeared.
Don't like simple answers...then don't change a thing. Maintain the existing tax laws just as they are. A few years down the road your heirs will be delighted as they reap the benefits of our/your lack of foresight and courage.
In the United States the numbers point to an infantile percentage of the population basically "owning" the country. Think about that. They didn't do anything except to wait for someone to die!And, that death elevated them to power. Nothing to do with school grades, classes attended, knowledge or ability...simply a death.
Where is this going? At the lowest level where education really equates to discipline and survival means only bare existence hope has disappeared.
Don't like simple answers...then don't change a thing. Maintain the existing tax laws just as they are. A few years down the road your heirs will be delighted as they reap the benefits of our/your lack of foresight and courage.
Who do you love?
Sometimes you simply need another input. Regardless of your thought, your concept, your preparation, etc., you miss it.
I am here in Rome writing as if it were the only thing in my life. That isn't true. In the years 1968 and 1971 the two cornerstones of my life and of my family were daughters Karen and Kim. Then, as now, they were and are the loves of my life.
Since then there have been many additions to my growing selected and natural family. Grandchildren, relatives and my large Roman family. Since love isn't restricted by parameters neither is my family. Hopefully they will both continue to grow.
My definition of family is; the group of caring, loving concerned people that choose to reciprocate my love, a love that may only end when I do. Until that time, I love both my daughters and the rest of you as well.
I am here in Rome writing as if it were the only thing in my life. That isn't true. In the years 1968 and 1971 the two cornerstones of my life and of my family were daughters Karen and Kim. Then, as now, they were and are the loves of my life.
Since then there have been many additions to my growing selected and natural family. Grandchildren, relatives and my large Roman family. Since love isn't restricted by parameters neither is my family. Hopefully they will both continue to grow.
My definition of family is; the group of caring, loving concerned people that choose to reciprocate my love, a love that may only end when I do. Until that time, I love both my daughters and the rest of you as well.
Friday, June 7, 2013
I'm Walking
So far I have not done any pieces on the glory of Rome. Here are some of my excuses. The weather has not been agreeable, lots of piove (rain) and decidedly un-Floridalike weather. The smartest (luckiest) decision I made was to pack my leather jacket. Also the lack of ability to use my photos has been a psychological draw back. And, you have all heard we prattle on about my little slice of heaven. But summer seems to be nearing. Every day is no longer a rain event and blue skies rule.
So here i am in my office telling you that I still continue to find new wonders. One hot summer day a few years ago Grace and I went by S. Giovanni Laterano, the Pope's church. We managed the walk in the park aspect, but the summer heat prevented visiting the church itself. Yesterday I finished our visit. I took a taxi to Porta Maggiore, walked to Tempio Minerva, around the block and back to the church. It is very hard for me to take a stand when comparing the beauty of one church against another. The splendor, magnificent art, sculpture and grandeur exist in them all. My feeling that these buildings are the true museums for the masses is enhanced with each visit. The renaissance was funded mainly by the church and its rich benefactors. Rome is a visual confirmation of this with more churches than days of the year and scores of old palatial villas now turned into world class museums.
Earlier I wrote of my "soft list", places that I want to visit or to re-visit. One of those spots was the Coppede district. An area in the north east area of Rome called after its architect, Coppede. This is a relatively small place that encompasses the Piazza Mincio. Not big, but stunning. It is like a "Fantasia" version of renaissance Rome...Gaudi-esque, to coin a phrase.Not a straight line to be seen, just as nature would have it! Photos do not do justice to Gaudi and I doubt that the ones I took will do much for Coppede. One hopes!
Many of my walks only accomplish a part of what I had intended. I do not care, there is always tomorrow and I have had a wonderful day. Especially the climb to Gianicolo. My intent was to watch the cannon being fired at noon as it is every day. Sore and aching legs and feet aside it was splendid. The views from the hill show Rome at it's best,a city of both natural and man-made beauty.
Today, tomorrow, who knows? But it will be beautiful because that is the only choice!
So here i am in my office telling you that I still continue to find new wonders. One hot summer day a few years ago Grace and I went by S. Giovanni Laterano, the Pope's church. We managed the walk in the park aspect, but the summer heat prevented visiting the church itself. Yesterday I finished our visit. I took a taxi to Porta Maggiore, walked to Tempio Minerva, around the block and back to the church. It is very hard for me to take a stand when comparing the beauty of one church against another. The splendor, magnificent art, sculpture and grandeur exist in them all. My feeling that these buildings are the true museums for the masses is enhanced with each visit. The renaissance was funded mainly by the church and its rich benefactors. Rome is a visual confirmation of this with more churches than days of the year and scores of old palatial villas now turned into world class museums.
Earlier I wrote of my "soft list", places that I want to visit or to re-visit. One of those spots was the Coppede district. An area in the north east area of Rome called after its architect, Coppede. This is a relatively small place that encompasses the Piazza Mincio. Not big, but stunning. It is like a "Fantasia" version of renaissance Rome...Gaudi-esque, to coin a phrase.Not a straight line to be seen, just as nature would have it! Photos do not do justice to Gaudi and I doubt that the ones I took will do much for Coppede. One hopes!
Many of my walks only accomplish a part of what I had intended. I do not care, there is always tomorrow and I have had a wonderful day. Especially the climb to Gianicolo. My intent was to watch the cannon being fired at noon as it is every day. Sore and aching legs and feet aside it was splendid. The views from the hill show Rome at it's best,a city of both natural and man-made beauty.
Today, tomorrow, who knows? But it will be beautiful because that is the only choice!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Just Sayin'
Only a short time ago...shorter than the skirts these "foreign studies students" are wearing, they didn't even have as much skin as they are showing tonight!
More street merchants, fewer kids with cups.
Cobblestones are cheap. Both price-wise and installation. But, they are not friendly to anything trying to move across them. Such as wheels, feet or backs!
The last time I spent this much time in Rome I didn't eat pizza for six months upon return...and there is no Santarpio's in Florida!
A man and his wife sitting on their balcony, another leaning out his window...watching and listening to life-Paradise!
Kids here are surrounded by wild, demonstrative, unconditional love.
If any of my old English teachers happen upon this...Death by blog???????????
I'm not doing a damned thing, just sitting, enjoying life. What more is there to say?
All of you stateside are sitting there saying, "Who the hell is this?" Your Father, your brother, your friend the one you don't know as well as you thought.
I've known one since I was 13, the other perhaps longer. While I sit here jotting these notes and trying to recover from another of life's unexpected twists, one sits in rehab over 6000 miles distant trying to get through his own problems. And, the other, even more distant is , ironically doing the same thing as I am jotting things down. Good luck to all three of us.
More street merchants, fewer kids with cups.
Cobblestones are cheap. Both price-wise and installation. But, they are not friendly to anything trying to move across them. Such as wheels, feet or backs!
The last time I spent this much time in Rome I didn't eat pizza for six months upon return...and there is no Santarpio's in Florida!
A man and his wife sitting on their balcony, another leaning out his window...watching and listening to life-Paradise!
Kids here are surrounded by wild, demonstrative, unconditional love.
If any of my old English teachers happen upon this...Death by blog???????????
I'm not doing a damned thing, just sitting, enjoying life. What more is there to say?
All of you stateside are sitting there saying, "Who the hell is this?" Your Father, your brother, your friend the one you don't know as well as you thought.
I've known one since I was 13, the other perhaps longer. While I sit here jotting these notes and trying to recover from another of life's unexpected twists, one sits in rehab over 6000 miles distant trying to get through his own problems. And, the other, even more distant is , ironically doing the same thing as I am jotting things down. Good luck to all three of us.
Yesterday, when I was young.
Only cowboys wore guns.
Toys were made from metal and actually got handed down to the next in line.
If you had a dog you didn't walk behind him picking up his leavings. After all he was the dumb animal.
If you bought something you expected it to work properly...for a long time.
You could find fresh, ripe, delicious fruit and vegetables. And, just like oil, milk, bread, coal and ice someone delivered to you.
A triple feature was three consecutive movies costing as little as $.25.
A Saturday afternoon matinee involved those same film cowboys chasing film Indians. With an episode of the current serial tossed in...and cartoons, of course.
Jules Verne spawned a thing called "Science Fiction", which, of course, is now all fact.
Cigarettes were cheap, life expectancy short...go figure!
Once again there was a war to end all wars.
When you wrote some one,............skip it you wouldn't understand.
Cars and planes had fins.
Gas was $.12 per gal.
Politicians were.......Mother said, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything!".............
Toys were made from metal and actually got handed down to the next in line.
If you had a dog you didn't walk behind him picking up his leavings. After all he was the dumb animal.
If you bought something you expected it to work properly...for a long time.
You could find fresh, ripe, delicious fruit and vegetables. And, just like oil, milk, bread, coal and ice someone delivered to you.
A triple feature was three consecutive movies costing as little as $.25.
A Saturday afternoon matinee involved those same film cowboys chasing film Indians. With an episode of the current serial tossed in...and cartoons, of course.
Jules Verne spawned a thing called "Science Fiction", which, of course, is now all fact.
Cigarettes were cheap, life expectancy short...go figure!
Once again there was a war to end all wars.
When you wrote some one,............skip it you wouldn't understand.
Cars and planes had fins.
Gas was $.12 per gal.
Politicians were.......Mother said, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything!".............
Monday, June 3, 2013
So...what's up Doc?
A new fork in the road? A new crossroads? You can never tell, Given that,how do you make a decision? If you knew what would lay along your path the decision would be much easier. The end remains the same, regardless, only time is affected. Some of these decisions are without thought or cause...a wave that you ride until it crests. Then you can only hope.
Right now I seem to be riding one of those waves. When it crests I will be facing the proverbial question...what's up Doc?, or what next? I'm thinking that that the crest is about two years away. But, not having a plan "B" or"C" worries me.
This trip was intended to accomplish several things. Many of these aims have been and are still being fulfilled. Grace's last wishes, to enjoy life, to be among caring friends, to see, to do, to participate in life are ongoing, daily events. Only time is going to answer "what's next?".
I had hoped to add some beauty to my life and I believe I have been more than successful there. A portrait is in the process right now. I have had a couple of my photos reinterpreted in black and white acrylic. Lastly, there is a stunning Tamara Lempicka repro that I had painted. My walls in Florida will not lack for color.
As to the positive's still a work in progress! I will use all the time allowed!
Surprises abound, people realize your feelings and respond. Happily it has occurred again. I, once again, love this place!
The path continues and when the next turn nears this will be my simple guide...
Only you can bring your own happiness!
Right now I seem to be riding one of those waves. When it crests I will be facing the proverbial question...what's up Doc?, or what next? I'm thinking that that the crest is about two years away. But, not having a plan "B" or"C" worries me.
This trip was intended to accomplish several things. Many of these aims have been and are still being fulfilled. Grace's last wishes, to enjoy life, to be among caring friends, to see, to do, to participate in life are ongoing, daily events. Only time is going to answer "what's next?".
I had hoped to add some beauty to my life and I believe I have been more than successful there. A portrait is in the process right now. I have had a couple of my photos reinterpreted in black and white acrylic. Lastly, there is a stunning Tamara Lempicka repro that I had painted. My walls in Florida will not lack for color.
As to the positive's still a work in progress! I will use all the time allowed!
Surprises abound, people realize your feelings and respond. Happily it has occurred again. I, once again, love this place!
The path continues and when the next turn nears this will be my simple guide...
Only you can bring your own happiness!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
I'm Walking
I love big cities, taking pictures and I get up early enough to enjoy the best hours of the day. All by it's self that should be enough, but I have always been a walker. Sure, no one has to tell me to slow down anymore, but the walk is still a big part of me.
Early morning photos are great because of the wonderful light and the lack of traffic and people. They also worked well For Grace and me as we could look for the two or three shots that most interested her and go from there.
Now I am back in the city we love and out on the prowl again. The shots will go back to the states with me and show up here in the future. My list of places and shots include some that I want to revisit and some that I have done yet. There will be a lot and the volume should keep me working for quite a while, at least I hope so.
There was a time when I was thinking that my walks were simply me looking for the reason to stop. Not true. I just needed to return here to know that. As long as there is a corner I haven't turned I will not be completely happy. Just naturally curious...that's me!
I stopped being a teenager fifty years ago and have been stuck in the "growing-up" phase ever since...I don't know if I'll ever complete that phase, but it's the hunt that interests me NOT the end!
Early morning photos are great because of the wonderful light and the lack of traffic and people. They also worked well For Grace and me as we could look for the two or three shots that most interested her and go from there.
Now I am back in the city we love and out on the prowl again. The shots will go back to the states with me and show up here in the future. My list of places and shots include some that I want to revisit and some that I have done yet. There will be a lot and the volume should keep me working for quite a while, at least I hope so.
There was a time when I was thinking that my walks were simply me looking for the reason to stop. Not true. I just needed to return here to know that. As long as there is a corner I haven't turned I will not be completely happy. Just naturally curious...that's me!
I stopped being a teenager fifty years ago and have been stuck in the "growing-up" phase ever since...I don't know if I'll ever complete that phase, but it's the hunt that interests me NOT the end!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Time keeps on tickin"...
You look down and see the perfection of time and orderly progression. Fabrizio, Franca, Sonia have all learned from their Mothers, Fathers, Uncles and every predecessor in their families. Nothing is put in a place without thought and reason. You won't see this. You aren't expected to. This is a visual for you to admire and select from...not ponder over.
We used to have this in the USA. I grew up with this concept in Boston...Scollay Square, Fanuel Hall. Open carts with fresh fruit and vegetables stacked and waiting for your selection. Surprise we went there because...the food was better...the PRICE was better and it was fun! These markets were all run by immigrants, many Italian and the do not exist now. Supermarkets won. Huge red tomatoes! Spectacular huge pears! Monumental mounds of Green beans! Bland! Bland!...and even more bland! Not to mention hard as a brick and just as tasty! Supermarkets won...we did not!
The kiosks in the "gentrified" Fanuel Hall sell tchochke's...yiddish for junk trinkets. The same trash we gave the Indians for Manhattan, only now we buy it and it's from China! Just one more ode to progress!
I much prefer the product right in front of me here in the Campo dei Fiori, fresh, succulent and delicious. With a big side dish of tradition. And, I get to watch a part of life that is only visable in an occasional "Farmer's Market" back in the states. Tradition, care and thought, winners in my heart.
We used to have this in the USA. I grew up with this concept in Boston...Scollay Square, Fanuel Hall. Open carts with fresh fruit and vegetables stacked and waiting for your selection. Surprise we went there because...the food was better...the PRICE was better and it was fun! These markets were all run by immigrants, many Italian and the do not exist now. Supermarkets won. Huge red tomatoes! Spectacular huge pears! Monumental mounds of Green beans! Bland! Bland!...and even more bland! Not to mention hard as a brick and just as tasty! Supermarkets won...we did not!
The kiosks in the "gentrified" Fanuel Hall sell tchochke's...yiddish for junk trinkets. The same trash we gave the Indians for Manhattan, only now we buy it and it's from China! Just one more ode to progress!
I much prefer the product right in front of me here in the Campo dei Fiori, fresh, succulent and delicious. With a big side dish of tradition. And, I get to watch a part of life that is only visable in an occasional "Farmer's Market" back in the states. Tradition, care and thought, winners in my heart.
Sports nut
As a life-long sports nut here is the first thing you learn...perseverance! Doesn't your team always seem to have more trouble to overcome? Aren't your players always overcoming horrible injuries? Isn't your owner the worst?
Sempre,sempre,sempre! And yet we are always there, cheering.
Gallows humor aside, sports does teach us several things including perseverance. Discernment is one. You need to be able to pick the right player, the right moment, the right have to choose quickly and correctly. lose!
Cooperation is another learned trait. Every person thinks the sun revolves around begins at birth. You need to unthink that one because it isn't true and everything in life will be easier for you once you understand and believe that simple fact. Most tight knit teams will win over more talented teams. Exceptions occur. IF the talented team is also tight knit they will be almost invincible!
How to compete. No one wins every time. Learning to use discernment and perseverance plus a big addition of talent will let you be in the fight to the end. Life is the sport that each of us HAS to compete in. Choosing the wrong battle or trying to do it alone will pretty much confine you to being a loser. Try to find the game you enjoy. Some pay better, but if you hate it you will still end up losing. If nothing else a part of yourself.
Go Sox! Go Pats!
Sempre,sempre,sempre! And yet we are always there, cheering.
Gallows humor aside, sports does teach us several things including perseverance. Discernment is one. You need to be able to pick the right player, the right moment, the right have to choose quickly and correctly. lose!
Cooperation is another learned trait. Every person thinks the sun revolves around begins at birth. You need to unthink that one because it isn't true and everything in life will be easier for you once you understand and believe that simple fact. Most tight knit teams will win over more talented teams. Exceptions occur. IF the talented team is also tight knit they will be almost invincible!
How to compete. No one wins every time. Learning to use discernment and perseverance plus a big addition of talent will let you be in the fight to the end. Life is the sport that each of us HAS to compete in. Choosing the wrong battle or trying to do it alone will pretty much confine you to being a loser. Try to find the game you enjoy. Some pay better, but if you hate it you will still end up losing. If nothing else a part of yourself.
Go Sox! Go Pats!
2:00 A M
Where are your children?
Standing in an alley in Rome, beside his retching friend...trying to make a call, to make a buy!
Standing in an alley in Rome, she is drunk, telling someone else that he has a problem!
Standing in an alley in Rome, saying, "I just want to be cool"!
There is no "Street smart for dummies" course that I know of, damned shame about that, most American kids (and these were all Americans) really need one. Pampered from birth to college and released into the wilds, they don't have a clue.
Yes, I grew up in a different time and in a big city environment, but no one EVER admits to a weakness or Shows might as well paint a bulls-eye on your chest. Letting go of your child is the hardest thing a parent can do, but to allow them to be so totally unprepared is almost criminal.
Unfortunately this is a recurring event, which I can only be unhappy with and disgusted by. So, as I have heard before, "I am sorry for your troubles", because you have or will have them! How can I be so the title again!
Standing in an alley in Rome, beside his retching friend...trying to make a call, to make a buy!
Standing in an alley in Rome, she is drunk, telling someone else that he has a problem!
Standing in an alley in Rome, saying, "I just want to be cool"!
There is no "Street smart for dummies" course that I know of, damned shame about that, most American kids (and these were all Americans) really need one. Pampered from birth to college and released into the wilds, they don't have a clue.
Yes, I grew up in a different time and in a big city environment, but no one EVER admits to a weakness or Shows might as well paint a bulls-eye on your chest. Letting go of your child is the hardest thing a parent can do, but to allow them to be so totally unprepared is almost criminal.
Unfortunately this is a recurring event, which I can only be unhappy with and disgusted by. So, as I have heard before, "I am sorry for your troubles", because you have or will have them! How can I be so the title again!
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