Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To paraphrase..."Like a toothache"

The song was "Like a Heartache', by Bonny Tyler. But the reference is to having just completed moving. I do not have any really pleasant memories of any move that I have ever made. This was the first time that I have "down-sized" and even that effort is on-going. 

Good things: New landlord is the old landlord...really a good thing.
                     Distance moved, about five blocks. That means most of the move was done after work, in my car. Only one use of friends and a truck.

                      New house really nice. I will miss the pool but sacrifices to reality have to be made.The Florida room with it's new windows will help ease my pain.

                      More economical...more reality!

Having moved so many times, the words; "I know where it used to be" are indelibly printed in my mind.To be uttered frequently...until the next move, ad nauseum! 

The walls are being left bare until my return. Rome is next on my card. A trip to set most of life in the right direction. To calm, to heal, to complete and to restore. I'm ready.

What needs to be accomplished first is...how do I use the new camera?...tablet?...and how do they interact together?
Do you remember how you were always supposed to read the manual first? And the first thing the manual did was tell you how to unpack your new toy? ...but you had to unpack the toy to get to the manual! Now, the manual, all 10, multi-lingual pages direct you to an on-line site. Good luck with that! Think I'll buy some memory cards and hope for the best.

One intention for this on-coming trip is to use my blog, facebook and skype to remain in touch. Need to master some pretty basic things first, like, will my U.S. based skype work from Rome? Will facebook and the tablet play nice together? For that matter will my blog work? Ah, it's all a work in progress, another learning experience...joy!

Time to start another work-day, so it's off to the races!


  1. Who's the old man?

  2. Sant Ritz is more than just a home. Its combination of condominium status with contemporary
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