Sunday, December 30, 2018

A list

1.) Thoughts and prayers to those born with a silver spoon. Empathy would have been so much nicer.

2.) it!

3.) Nothing good to say? Then don't. And silence rings on Pennsylvania Ave.

4.) I don't think Maria Butina can run for President for the GOP...she tells the truth once in a while.

5.) Sara "Shuckaby" used the words "honest and transparent" in a sentence. Truth!

6.) I see the faces and I think Jethro Tull! Thick as a Brick!

7.) And the christian coalition supports this gaggle of lying hypocrites? They must be reading the queen donnie edition of the Bible.

8.) A canard is also something other than a small forward wing aiding in direction. Or, the GOP might actually have a direction, for them canard and lie are synonyms.

9.) Term limits yes. But ethics and morals checks first!

10.) Recently read; 40 guns stolen off delivery conveyor line. How secure!

11.) We elected a clown for a change and got exactly that.

12.) Worst job in the nation? Fact checking little don.

13.) Hey donnie, those aren't amputees "waving" at you.

14.) Want a huge turn out in DC donnie? Resign.

15.) Charlie Brown, that isn't Lucy, it's Sara...still a lie.

16.) NRA is a Russian co-conspirator. How ironic?

17.) What is a strict constructionist? Someone that  supports the second alteration to the constitution.

18.) Forrest Gump was fiction. What we have now is real and a tragedy.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Baubles...or, babbles?

1.) Life stages
     A.) Kids= Play!
     B.) Teens= Hormones, the ME years
     C.) 40's= Beginning of understanding
     D.) 60's= Awareness
     E.) 70's= Invisibility

2.) Guns don't kill.
     Correct, bullets do!

3.) 2nd amendment only covers flintlocks and blund-

4.) Fear is not our worst enemy. Apathy is!

5.) I don't wanna...that should suffice.

6.) How I live my life does matter. To me!

7.) Orange Koolade anyone?

8.) No flowers have ever been paid for by thoughts and prayers...or funerals!

9.) The right to vote is each American's right, not some bigot's plaything.

10.) When "man" transforms into humanity, that'll be the day.

11.)Heaven, where you are reunited with all your loved ones, except now you're a nice guy and unrecognizable!

12.) How can we recycle old hot air balloons?

13.) Let's return the railroad rights to the Native Americans? 

14.) Curmudgeon, one that has successfully passed through the stages of reality and cynicism.

15.) How absurd is it to take photos and videos of yourself being asinine and then showing it to the world?

16.) Accepted is not a synonym for acceptable.

17.) Even the Statue of Liberty is an immigrant.

18.) Native Americans, the Inuit and the Asian cultures all honor their ancestors and their elderly, while we name new diseases for them and cloak them in a veil of invisibility. As it were throwing them, their talents, skills and knowledge away.

19.) Our governance and government should be one of humanity. Not greed.

20.) Belief; "all those aliens taking from us"
       Fact; All of us are aliens or descended from 
       them. We added!

21.) NO mass murder has ever been committed by a madman dressed as Barney Rubble and swinging a club! None!

22.) It's been a while. End of rant.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A camera, the right place and just a few memories

The week sick in bed did not get photographed. Our memories of  that time need to be expunged. 

This is a reminder to my daughters,especially the third one, that  the wonderful times continue,  good friends happen in a bistro, a market, damn near anyplace. To the season, were it truly everlasting.

Tomi, your Mom is going to love this diet...Gelato, Cannoli e Tiramisu. Yum!