Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What the missing filter missed

Can this actually still be relevant?
...paradise by the dashboard light?

...everything is beautiful...
could almost be believable, if this...
Puff the magic dragon...
was the next line!

One of two options here,
...drove my chevee to the levee, but the levee
was dry...
1.) post Katrina
2.)needs a better place dump his junk

Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire...
No explanation should be required all you ex- Submarine racers!

Adam and Eve cast out! No papers...the first recorded immigrants!!!!!

If your Grandparents came here years ago with no friends, no knowledge of the land and unable to speak the language do you think they would have put a bumper sticker on the back of their buck-board proclaiming their ignorance?

Among the adjectives applied to me the word romantic is a natural exclusion. So, when I remember, not one but two of the most romantic things that I have ever done it is only natural that I no longer recollect how to spell the girls' name...apt!

Men modern technology makes us doomed! As soon as the vibrate app gets amplified to a high enough level...perhaps not that high in some cases, we will be toast!

All the medications are lined up for the week, each in its appropriate day/time slot...where did I put the memory one?

When my grandchildren reach my age I can imagine them grumbling to their children, "you don't even know what a game-boy was!"

Movies allow us to enjoy reality in any form we choose...or to just escape from it. Enjoy being the key word.

You are so totally unaware of yourself, yet you know and understand me so well...I am confused!

Humans are ego-centric. We each think that we are the center of the universe...see! You can be wrong.

How do you respond? Molly Ringwold is 47! Me: Still a babe.
My daughter: Really? My grandson: Who?

Those of us that do not believe in a hereafter have a strong interest in making this one count!

All wars end up as Phyrric victories. Carnage only leads to further anger and outrage.

I remember "going out to play" without parental guidance. That was fun!

I remember Ricky Nelson singing Fats Domino songs. He was a kid. Do you really think he knew the difference?

Consider this, if you don't pay taxes you must be a cheater...know any churches paying taxes?

When you hear this being said as a question, "Truthfully?"...do expect to hear the truth?

A child's life is full of events. The term "too busy" not in their lexicon.
An adult's life is full of happenings and they are always too busy. 
While an elder's  life is frequented by memories and busy simply another memory.

As a boy I read sci-fi. There isn't a genre more positive, more hopeful or more progressive. The future always provides. Now I read mysteries, I guess realism wins out.

Something that doesn't sit well. I am 72 and do not desire a "girl-friend", a "lady-friend", a "friend with benefits" or any other friend with a denigrating label. Just a friend works perfectly!