This is my on line "Collector's Cabinet". It is non-profit and haphazard at best. I leave it to you to sort through and make sense of.The views are mine. The collection reflects some of my interests. But the material must be credited to the vast internet. Otherwise, I never would have been able to amass such a treasure trove. The purpose of this exercise is entertainment, naturally mine, but even more so yours. So, please let me know if anything strikes a chord with you.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Soggy bottom
If this had been a true honeymoon the weather would have been perfect...rainy, grey, dismal...we didn't want to go out anyway, did we dear?
But, in truth this was a slightly different honeymoon, my first trip in the big mobile palace. No where for the cat to hide, so she slept. What's new? It made lots of sense to take along a copilot, but not the first time. At least there were no "portuguese men o' war" (jelly fish) like on my first honeymoon. They hurt!
So here I sit with Spot, the music playing, the heater blasting, coffee brewing, drying out and writing this post script. I have photos, weather be damned! You'll see. This is Hillsborough State Park. There are miles of trails, rain, a pretty river, rain, no tourists...because of the rain and I actually am enjoying it.
So there was a glitch or two, I need to work on a better checklist. One that includes a toothbrush. It's a bit strange ordering breakfast with a toothbrush "to go".
more pix...
But, in truth this was a slightly different honeymoon, my first trip in the big mobile palace. No where for the cat to hide, so she slept. What's new? It made lots of sense to take along a copilot, but not the first time. At least there were no "portuguese men o' war" (jelly fish) like on my first honeymoon. They hurt!
So here I sit with Spot, the music playing, the heater blasting, coffee brewing, drying out and writing this post script. I have photos, weather be damned! You'll see. This is Hillsborough State Park. There are miles of trails, rain, a pretty river, rain, no tourists...because of the rain and I actually am enjoying it.
So there was a glitch or two, I need to work on a better checklist. One that includes a toothbrush. It's a bit strange ordering breakfast with a toothbrush "to go".
more pix...
We humans are really pretty brassy. Just because we can reason we take it upon ourselves to tag every item in creation with a name...or several. Take a quick look around you. Is there a single thing that you can't put at least one name too? Like...girl, female, woman, etc.
But, do we always get it right? After spending the last few days walking trails around, through and over woods, swamps and rivers I must report that I have seen exactly one item in the color of black...my notebook! Nature is not in agreement with us. Brown is the color of death, not black...we erred! And green, is very much the color of life. I did see some dormant trees that had this dull grey-green hue, but no black. No grim reaper either, everything falls, lies there and decays into plant food. Natures way. Here is a little "living" proof.
But, do we always get it right? After spending the last few days walking trails around, through and over woods, swamps and rivers I must report that I have seen exactly one item in the color of black...my notebook! Nature is not in agreement with us. Brown is the color of death, not black...we erred! And green, is very much the color of life. I did see some dormant trees that had this dull grey-green hue, but no black. No grim reaper either, everything falls, lies there and decays into plant food. Natures way. Here is a little "living" proof.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Response requested
There was something I wanted to buy on this past trip to Rome. I really wanted a "nice" fountain pen. I like them, they put ink to paper differently than ball points, rollers,etc. OK, I just like them.
There are many shops in Rome that sell fine writing utensils and I visited several and window shopped more. Beautiful pens, beautiful displays and spectacular prices. So I returned to Florida, where they think fountain pens are the ones you dip into the ink each time you write a word or two. And, I shopped antique stores...Yesterday I gave up. I went on line and found what I was looking for. It will arrive doppo-domani (day after tomorrow) and I am very happy.
Oh, what kind? Made in Italy of course! Even with the 6000 mile trip over the pond it was still about $50 cheaper here. Just how can you figure it out? I think to much, just accept what life brings! Via UPS Ken! Don't mess it up!
There are many shops in Rome that sell fine writing utensils and I visited several and window shopped more. Beautiful pens, beautiful displays and spectacular prices. So I returned to Florida, where they think fountain pens are the ones you dip into the ink each time you write a word or two. And, I shopped antique stores...Yesterday I gave up. I went on line and found what I was looking for. It will arrive doppo-domani (day after tomorrow) and I am very happy.
Oh, what kind? Made in Italy of course! Even with the 6000 mile trip over the pond it was still about $50 cheaper here. Just how can you figure it out? I think to much, just accept what life brings! Via UPS Ken! Don't mess it up!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Welcome back...really?
The damned dreaded day started poorly and with several hours remaining here I sit, back here stateside. Atlanta. Airport. "This" is "NOT" home. At home there are choices, ones that I, as an individual can contribute to. Here I sit in a terminal (doesn't that translate to mean the end?), listening to paid rabble-rousers on the large screen TV doing their rendition of Henny Penny..."the sky is falling,etc."
Somewhere, someone made a decision to put this clap-trap drivel on all the screens at top sound levels. And, that self-righteous fool got paid and is most likely still being paid well while we, the tired, the grouchy, wait for flight announcements...that we can't hear. And then, some bright faced, smiling idiot asks exactly the perfect question, "Aren't you glad to be back?"
He only got a small portion of a wave, about a finger's worth!
Zombie Jamboree
The sky is pink on the horizon, but it is still dark as I head off to breakfast. Passing beneath the 34th street underpass I see a glint of light sparkling in front of me. It's a bicycle and it's followed by a horde of zombies! Actually they are the daily cast of characters stumbling, shambling and skittering their way from the methadone clinic to their bus stop on the opposite side of the street. As I brake to avoid them, I am wondering how anyone can be so totally impervious to their surroundings. Do they feel omnipotent? Are they so totally withdrawn from reality that they neither sense nor feel anything? Maybe all the above.
Each and every one of these poor souls was at one time the glint in their Mother and Father's eyes...their pride, their joy. Now they are reduced to this semi-somnolent state. Yelling and screaming to be heard, but nothing to say. Instinctively herding together for safety and to be seen, but they have turned themselves into the invisible. They are not seen, nor heard.
Do they still feel? I don't know. I am reminded of something said over a pulpit years ago..."do they not bleed?" No answer. I just wish to avoid harming one of them. However poor their chances are, however low their hopes, I do not want to be the one that removes that rapidly dimming chance to return to humanity.
Each and every one of these poor souls was at one time the glint in their Mother and Father's eyes...their pride, their joy. Now they are reduced to this semi-somnolent state. Yelling and screaming to be heard, but nothing to say. Instinctively herding together for safety and to be seen, but they have turned themselves into the invisible. They are not seen, nor heard.
Do they still feel? I don't know. I am reminded of something said over a pulpit years ago..."do they not bleed?" No answer. I just wish to avoid harming one of them. However poor their chances are, however low their hopes, I do not want to be the one that removes that rapidly dimming chance to return to humanity.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
This time the cat recognized me
Tomorrow it will be one week and I am not happy. I am here, not there and the six hour time lag has not changed yet. Is this a co-efficient of age? Is it simply Freudian? Or do I just love Rome that much? (C), all of the above.
Doesn't matter how I feel or think the prep work for my Idyll of the ages tour must begin. As strange as this seems, we are waiting for the correct parts to arrive in order to complete the installation of a new air conditioner. Death Valley is on my "bucket list" and going there without A/C or water is implausible. By the time I depart Texas it should be warming up nicely, as well. I need to get "my feet wet" before any long rides. So I will be going on a few overnight jaunts starting soon in order to see how the big box rides.
This RV (caravan/camper) is big, but not big enough for all of you at once...or we become "Really Friendly!" So, please figure when you like to join me, for how long and let me know. Airlines and pick-up points will need to be co-ordinated, as will drop-off points. Hope to see everyone soon!
Doesn't matter how I feel or think the prep work for my Idyll of the ages tour must begin. As strange as this seems, we are waiting for the correct parts to arrive in order to complete the installation of a new air conditioner. Death Valley is on my "bucket list" and going there without A/C or water is implausible. By the time I depart Texas it should be warming up nicely, as well. I need to get "my feet wet" before any long rides. So I will be going on a few overnight jaunts starting soon in order to see how the big box rides.
This RV (caravan/camper) is big, but not big enough for all of you at once...or we become "Really Friendly!" So, please figure when you like to join me, for how long and let me know. Airlines and pick-up points will need to be co-ordinated, as will drop-off points. Hope to see everyone soon!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
A top ten quote...#1? From the world renowned philosopher, Popeye..."I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam!
There is a huge fundamental difference between walking...and walking with someone!
Life is an amalgam of what you are taught, what you learn and how you apply it. The sum, should be, more than the total of the parts!
Mix words...mince meat...do not mince words!
Thinking allows your curiosity, knowledge and logic to steep in the same cauldron. Brewing something new.
What I like may affect you. What you like probably will affect me. And, what we like could affect many.
Says an awful lot when the number one reason to return to where you dwell is in your bathroom! That first shower with unlimited hot water, damn that's joy!
I didn't exchange my euros for dollars...think that's a subliminal plot thread?
It has been wonderful reading the beautiful things my friends said about me on Facebook. The best thing about it is that they aren't part of my eulogy!
Beliefs; no thought required.
She has no "off" button and the term "silence is golden" is equally meaningless, sounds like she suffers from Blitherer's Disease!
Quote; "Painting is silent poetry." Plutarch
How old am I? So old that I remember singers wearing clothes!
Isn't the object of writing to convey your thoughts and express your "self" in the way that you truly feel about yourself?
"It", whatever "it" is...does it matter? Perhaps it isn't a "silver bullet", maybe it won't cure anything but, does it "harm" anything? Does it make you feel better?...then go for it!
Why expend energy on something of little or no import? Do you enjoy aggravation? Why care? Tilting at windmills has never been a successful enterprise. Reflect on the absurd, laugh, smile...the photos will look much better.
Let's return to, how old am I...did a survey here on Facebook to discern the difference between my actual age and my mental age. My daughter did it first and was about 11 years younger than her real age. I was almost fifty years younger...I had not met her Mother yet. There's a problem here...
Teenagers strive to be different and end up conforming to the current in vogue style. As they age they begin to rage about the things or people different than themselves. At best contradictory, but much more likely abjectly intolerant. Return to the youthful concept of acceptance. Anything is better than intolerance. Even a sham.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
06:30 AM
I am sitting here because it it still too early to call my sister-in-law to come and get me. It's dark out and the sun won't rise for another 45 minutes, then it's back to short sleeve shirts again. The temperature is around 20..21 degrees C.
Yesterday was mind numbing. I needed to be in a terminal that I had never been too previously...driver didn't know either. A little walking and I stand in front of a pretty lady, ready to check in...Where is my passport? After 30 minutes and several frantic calls there it is, with my toothpaste! No, I don't remember that method of packing either. Many hours later, three airports later and two telephones later I am getting to bed here in Florida. An airport hotel until the morning and I can pick up my car...being repaired. Basically a truly miserable day. I survived again. Already miss Rome, the Campo and all of my family. I didn't swap my euros yet...
The last two or three days just before I leave Rome are always horrible. There are many spectacular moments with each of you, but for the most part I find myself too choked up to talk. When multi-tasking involves tears I can't cope. So my hopes are that no one feels that I left without saying goodbye or without spending time with them. If it were possible I would not be here writing this, but there living it.
Soon I will be starting out on a "long road trip", my "plan B." A huge change and one I will continue to share with all of you. If you want. There is always room for one more...just call out my name...I'll be there.
Yesterday was mind numbing. I needed to be in a terminal that I had never been too previously...driver didn't know either. A little walking and I stand in front of a pretty lady, ready to check in...Where is my passport? After 30 minutes and several frantic calls there it is, with my toothpaste! No, I don't remember that method of packing either. Many hours later, three airports later and two telephones later I am getting to bed here in Florida. An airport hotel until the morning and I can pick up my car...being repaired. Basically a truly miserable day. I survived again. Already miss Rome, the Campo and all of my family. I didn't swap my euros yet...
The last two or three days just before I leave Rome are always horrible. There are many spectacular moments with each of you, but for the most part I find myself too choked up to talk. When multi-tasking involves tears I can't cope. So my hopes are that no one feels that I left without saying goodbye or without spending time with them. If it were possible I would not be here writing this, but there living it.
Soon I will be starting out on a "long road trip", my "plan B." A huge change and one I will continue to share with all of you. If you want. There is always room for one more...just call out my name...I'll be there.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
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